Weak Links

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Chapter 35

A/N: Hey everyone! Welcome back! So, this chapter, it might be a little dark in some parts; it's part of the reason it took so long to update. I wasn't sure how dark I wanted to go and some of the parts didn't want to work with me. But hey, I got it!

Anyways, I just own my OCs, other original characters belong to Gabeherdon308 & Manadlore the Survivor, and all other characters belong to either Netflix or Disney.


Taunting laughter echoed around the large chamber as Trezac stabbed his sabers into the ground where Maul had been standing. Sweat plastered hair to his brow as he scrambled back to his feet, lifting his sabers up as he searched for the Sith Lord.

His experience fighting Maul was limited. Mostly due to the fact that once his master had learned of the Sith's survival he practically had refused to leave him unaccompanied. Especially after Maul made his intentions to exact revenge against Obi-Wan known. But still, even with his lack of experience, Trezac knew and had heard enough to know Maul was not that fast. There was absolutely no way he could've even got out of his line of sight in the moment it took for him to lunge.

"Where is your Master, Little Padawan? Did he abandon you?"

Trezac scowled, raising his blades as he scanned the room. The once soft blue light slowly turning a dark violet, deepening the shadows. "I never took you as one to hide Maul. Are you that scared a padawan will take your legs again?"

Laughter reverberated around the chamber, bouncing off the walls, creating a haunting echo.

Beneath his growing anger, the young padawan could feel his chest tighten as he continued to fail to spot the Sith Lord. Even with the dimming light, there weren't many places to hide in the main chamber. Not unless Maul wanted to risk being burnt by the magma.

Reaching out with the force, Trezac almost doubled over as he was slammed with an icy wave practically enveloping him, chilling him to his very core as it tried to blot out every ounce of light. His heart began to race as he continued to hear Maul's laughter echo louder around him and for a moment Trezac swore he saw a shadow rush past into one of the halls.

It was painful, as Trezac tried to push himself out of the tidal wave of darkness, it seemed to cling to him, icy claws burning against his skin as they tried to dig in. He could hear a muffled roar of rage as he finally managed to dig his way out, the cold numb tingling of his limbs slowly starting to recede as he raced after the shadow.

The obsidian stone practically vibrated under his feet as he ran down the hall, tendrils of darkness seeping from cracks fracturing the ancient structure. A sight from the corner of his eye nearly sent him sprawling to the floor as he slid to a stop, a cry catching in his throat as he found himself staring at the reflections of his former crechemates standing in front of him. Some of them still had the wounds inflicted to them when the attack came, embers flickering off the severed limbs or blaster marks as black eyes stared at him.

No, no, this wasn't real. Shaking his head, Trezac turned away, sprinting further down the hall as the holocron in his pocket hummed, the noise serving as a welcome distraction from the sounds of blasters and screams.

"You could've stopped this."

The distorting voice almost made Trezac stop as his heart began to pound against his chest. That...that wasn't Maul. It didn't sound like him; not anymore at least.

"The jedi knew Dooku was responsible for making the clone army. You knew, and yet, you did nothing? You didn't tell the Senate; no, instead you let them kill your people."

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