Enemies & Allies

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Chapter 34

A/N: Hello everyone! Thanks for all the reviews. I'm happy to see everyone's enjoying the story! Anyways, I'm just the writer, I don't own anything else!

The sound of sirens echoed through the bar from outside. While the sound wasn't unusual to hear around the bars of Coruscant, it was strange to hear right at a Clone bar. Most of the men, even when drunk, at least knew better than to do something stupid enough that'd get them arrested.

While some of the men continued to laugh and chatter as the Coruscant Guard came in, Cody couldn't help but notice how stiff they seemed. And that was saying something considering their planet-bound brothers tended to be less...easygoing than most.

Something was wrong.

"Commander Cody, Captain Rex," a trooper said stepping up to them, "We need you to come with us."

"Why? What's going on?" Rex said his brows furrowing as he set down his glass.

"Something has happened sir," the man replied, his head tilting away. From the way he was shifting nervously, he probably had to be a Shiny. "I'm afraid there's been an...incident."

Cody and Rex shared a glance. They were in the military, they were used to secrets. But still, it wasn't like any of their brothers to keep them from each other, especially in reports to superiors. "If something's happened, why haven't we heard from our generals?"

Beside him, Rex didn't wait for an answer as he tapped commlink on his arm, "General Skywalker? What's going on?"

It was surprising when Rex didn't get a response from his General or Commander. Cody knew both General Skywalker and Commander Tano well; it wasn't like them to not respond to Rex. Tapping his own commlink, Cody lifted it, "General, Commander, is everything alright?"

When all he got was static, dread began to pool in his gut.

"Enough with the vague answers Shiny, what's going on?!" Rex snapped, gaining the attention of their men as well as others as they heard the angered tone of the Captain.

"Sir...I'm sorry to inform you, there was an attack. General Kenobi is dead," the Shiny answered.

Cody could barely hear the shouts of disbelief over the blood roaring in his ears. No, there was no way his General was dead. He was with General Skywalker, Commander Tano, and Commander Navo'x at Dex's. They were on Coruscant, the heart of the Republic, the safest place in the galaxy for a Jedi. There was absolutely no way High General Kenobi was dead.

"What? That's impossible!" Rex exclaimed.

"I'm afraid it's true sir. Sources tell us that it was an assassination by a Bounty Hunter, everyone is looking for the coward. Both Commander Tano and General Skywalker were targeted as well, but they were unharmed."

"The assassin got away!"

"Yes sir. But everyone is looking for him, he won't get far."

Cody scowled, the cowardly skug who ambushed his General had gotten away. He'd personally go out to find the bastard. He and the rest of the 212th would find him, and they would avenge their General.

"Are the Jedi out looking for him too?" Rex inquired.

"I'm not sure sir. I know Commander Tano and General Skywalker have returned to the temple. But there are probably other Jedi looking for him."

Cody couldn't help but notice that the Shiny hadn't said anything about his own Commander. "What about Commander Navo'x?"

The Shiny went silent and Cody felt his stomach drop. It was his job to protect his General and Commander; arguably he'd say protecting the Jedi was more important that any other task that could be assigned to a clone. The Jedi were their Generals, their leaders, who knew how many battles they would have lost without them. For a clone to lose both his General and Commander...

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