Chapter 1

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Hello everyone :)

This is my first fanfic and I'm really excited!!!

I tried my very best to make this perfect!

I hope you like it :D



No, seriously... I really want to hit something with a stick.

Anyways... I present to you...


Chapter 1 :)




Chapter 1:

Brianna's P.O.V.

Sparkling lights scattered over the crowd. They made a disco effect across my tan skin, making it shine like a million diamonds. The screams of thousands of fans blared in the night and my ears struggled to adjust to the volume. The untrimmed edges on my long curly hair danced in the wind, going down to my hips.

"I can't believe we're here!" I attempted to yell over the sound of the numerous teenage girls.

I glanced over at my best friend, taking in her lean physique. My eyes travelled up her body beginning with her manicured toes and ending with the ginger strands of pin straight hair that covered her scalp. Her neck quirked slightly to the side, her brows furrowing. It was clear that the sounds from the other females were dominant over mine.

"What Brianna?!" Valerie replied, confirming my assumptions.

"I said I can't believe we're actually here!" I screamed louder than before, hoping I would be understood this time.

She simply pursed her lips, her lipgloss shining brightly and complimenting her pale complexion. A strapless dress clung to the top of her breasts reaching just above her knees. It was tight around her hips and showed off the smooth legs that were attached below. She wore dark purple heels framed with intricate rhinestones. They were open-toed and made her approximately my height. I looked into her startling aqua eyes.

"They're about to come on!" she shrieked. Her perfectly whitened teeth were revealed between her lips as they spread into a wide grin.

The excitement was so overpowering that it caused my heartbeat to triple. We were in the front row so they would be close enough to touch. Just then, five boys stepped out on stage. The crowd immediately got louder. With each step they took, a butterfly was added to the swarm nesting deep in my stomach. It churned wildly with emotions I had no recollection even existed before. Their eyes, their hair. Every detail looked better in person. A photo wasn't even a worthy comparison. They dashed along the boundary of the stage, high fiving every fan they could reach. I lifted my hand up to the highest point I possibly could, increasing my chance by removing my heels from the floor. My eyelids fluttered shut, embracing the moment. I felt soft fingertips rub against mine. It took me a few seconds to realize that I had just touched Louis Tomlinson's hand. Then there were more. The other four members of One Direction passed by. I would have fallen to the ground if Valerie wasn't there to catch me.

The concert drew on like an average concert, but it was better than any one I'd ever been to before. Their angelic voices lingered in the air. Thousands of directioners were screeching, cheering, crying and singing along. Basically any possible way to create noise, they were accomplishing it. I examined all of the boys individually while swaying to the music.

Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and last, but definitely not least Louis. Valerie completely adored Niall. They clutched their microphones close to their mouths as they sang. Niall hurdled himself into the air. His trousers were low and baggy and he had on a red polo. Harry flicked his curly locks. He was the youngest in the band, being 19. I was 20; my birthday is December 24th. Yes, I know I have the same birthday as Louis, despite the year difference. Fangirl moment! Our mothers secretly made plans before our births so they would be on the same day. Just kidding, but that would be awesome! And extremely creepy...?

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