Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Brianna's P.O.V.

I sat on the edge of Louis' bed as I waited for Harry to return with the pizza.

I felt bad for refusing to tell Harry why I wasn't here this morning, but I wasn't prepared to tell him. I made sure that Harry would not wake up and come after me when I went to see the doctor. I could still barely process what was happening myself.

My sight was coming back. The shadows got stronger every day, like ghosts in the way of reality.

The doctor examined my eyes and the brain injury and confirmed my suspicions. It was against all odds, but he was ninety-nine percent certain that my normal sight would return in a few days time. It would start out blurry and gradually get better. All I had to do now was tell Harry.

"I'll be able to see soon," I told Louis. At least this was a start. I stroked his hair and ran a finger along his face, tracing his features.

"Why don't you get better too, huh?" I attempted to joke, but I ended up nearly choking on my own words.

I sighed and listened to his steady breathing. Harry kissing me again had confused me even more. I knew he had feelings for me, but I wasn't sure how I felt about him. Kissing him was nice like always but I had little experience with boys and I didn't know what to think anymore. Harry knew exactly what to do at all times. I'm sure he had many girlfriends in the past and that frightened me. I would never be good enough.

"Do you have any love advice?" Why did I just ask Louis that?

There was no answer, not that there ever was.

"Hello sweetie," Jay said from the doorway.

I jumped at her sudden appearance. If she heard me talking to her son I would be so embarrassed.

"Hi," I responded, hoping she wouldn't bring it up.

"I've made reservations at the hotel next door. I'm going to stay there for the night... I will see you tomorrow morning."

I nodded while scooting a bit away from Louis.


The heavy door shut and the painful silence returned. But not for long. What sounded like an alarm came from my right and my entire body shuddered. That couldn't have been anything good.

"Help!" I screamed, placing a hand on Louis' ice cold body. "Somebody, now!"

The screeching continued to leave my mouth, but no help came. The doctors should have been notified by now.

I sprinted into the hallway and ran my hand across the wall to direct me along a path as I searched for someone, anyone.

"Help!" I yelled once more, pain shooting up my throat. This time there was an answer.

"What's wrong miss?" a male voice asked me with concern.

"Louis.. alarm.. dying. You need to help him," I cried.

"Calm down miss. Tell me what room he's in."

I stuttered out the room number and he lead me back after calling on several other doctors.

The alarm was still sounding as we entered and everyone rushed to his side, including me even after it was recommended that I stayed out of the way. I held onto his hand tightly until they told me that I had to remove myself from the bed. I went to stand by the door and patiently waited for this to be over and the panicking to stop.

I heard the beeping of a defibrillator as it charged. I began to sob and it was placed on his chest. There was a thump and a shock was sent through his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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