Chapter 18

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Dedicated to @barneyandenemies


Chapter 18:

Brianna's P.O.V.

Later the next day, Harry had to go to a meeting with the boys at a fancy office I couldn't pronounce the name of. I had the option of staying at the hospital or the hotel.

I called Valerie earlier today to see how she was doing.

"College is not the same without you!" she complained. "Our dorm is so lonely without a roommate! I miss you. And Niall..." she giggled.

After promising to make plans to meet up with her soon, I hung up.

Now, I was sitting on the edge of Louis' bed, the silence in the room slowly draining the pleasant mood I had woken up with. I had never been left alone at the hospital before. Harry had always been the one to stay by Louis' side at all times, even when he should have been sleeping like me and the others. He pretended not to be exhausted from staying up for hours on end, but I wasn't oblivious. I knew he was just as physically drained as he was emotionally. But now I understood his obligation to be protecting Louis at every waking moment. When you were left with no one else, with no other thoughts crossing your mind, you became detached from the rest of the world and left with desperation and pointless prayers.

"Hi," I said to Louis, stroking his hand with my own.

"We all miss you," I disclosed. "especially Harry," I added.

"I don't know if you can hear me or how this all works, but I needed someone to talk to." I brought my hand towards my face, tucking stray hairs behind my ear.

"I haven't said this to anyone else... I think I'm getting my sight back. I told you I would." I laughed, my lips curving into a temporary smile. "I told you."

I sat there; the only noise was the constant ticking of the clock on the far wall. Some part of me wished he would respond, like nothing had ever hurt him, but I knew that wasn't the case. He lay there as lifeless as he was the first day he was in this bed.

"Please wake up," I begged helplessly. "I need you to be here when it comes back. I know I didn't get to know you yet, but I want to, like I have with the other boys. And I don't want you to feel like you're responsible for this."

A single tear made its way past my cheek and slid off my chin. It splashed onto the cool fabric of the bed, right beside Louis' shoulder.

"So, please? For-" I croaked, my pleading voice cutting out mid-sentence. "For me?" I finished, touching his cheek with my palm.

Of course there was no answer so I lay down, grasping his hand between my shaking fingers. I stayed still, listening to the slow, but steady beat of his pulse.


Harry's P.O.V.

I strode into the all too familiar hospital room along side three of my best friends. I looked up from my low gaze and spotted Brianna peacefully sleeping... beside Louis. She was clutching on to him as if her life depended on it. Her curly hair was strewn across one of Louis' many pillows. Her eyes were screwed shut; her mouth slightly agape. One of my hoodies covered the top half of her body and a pair of skinny jeans were worn on her legs. Her bare feet lay in two different directions; one on top of Louis' legs and one off the edge of the small bed. She was in a careless rest while Louis looked stiff and was in a perfectly straight line, his arms glued to his side.

A mixture of guilt and jealousy swirled in my chest. I clearly knew how much Louis liked her beforehand, yet I still went ahead and tried to impress her. I gained her trust in the process, which I certainly didn't deserve. But on the other hand, I really liked Brianna too. She was so easy to get along with, kind, had a great sense of humour and not to mention beautiful.

I knew I shouldn't feel jealous that she was cuddling him - he was in a coma for God's sake - but I did anyways.

"Are you coming back to the hotel tonight?" Liam asked curiously. He didn't even have to ask. He knew the answer, but he was just being polite like always.

I shook my head, spinning around on the soles of my boots to face him.

"No, you guys go ahead. I'll talk to you later." He nodded and left with Niall and Zayn, the silence of the room returning. I stood there for a few seconds just staring at the door before letting my feet take me to the couch.

I sat down comfortably and averted my eyes to the bed where the two of them lay.

"At least I can sleep on the couch tonight," I mumbled to no one in particular. Not that I even cared that I usually had to sleep on the large chair in the corner.

I pulled my plain white shirt over my head, revealing the inked skin underneath. I tossed the fabric behind me and it landed on the floor beside my suitcase. Crashing my head onto the feather-filled pillows, I finally closed my eyes, Louis and Brianna disappearing from my sight.

I struggled to fall asleep and when I did it was filled with aggravating dreams.


When I woke up, Brianna wasn't in the room. I stood up with a worried mind and dragged a hand through my messy hair.

I went out into the hallway without even putting on a shirt. My highest priority at the moment was finding Brianna.

I turned down so many corridors that I couldn't keep track of where I was anymore and not once had I seen any evidence of where Brianna had gone. I lost hope and slid my back down the wall, sitting down. My arms rested on my knees as I wondered where she could have possibly went.

"You look lost," a girl's laughter came from a few feet away.

"I am not lost," I said stubbornly.

I looked up to see a young girl with short brown hair and hazel eyes. She must have been no older than ten.

"Sure." She obviously didn't believe me. A grin covered her face as she took a seat next to me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm Amelia." She introduced herself with that contagious smile still as bright as ever.

"Harry," I said.

"So if you're not lost then why haven't I seen you around this part of the hospital before Harry?" Clever girl.

"Okay fine, I'm lost," I caved.

"I knew it!" she shouted happily.

"I'm trying to find my friend." I stood up and stretched out a hand for Amelia. She took hold of it and hoisted herself onto her feet.

"I'll help," she volunteered. "Do you know where she might be?"

"Not a clue."

"Well then we'll just have to search the whole place!" she exclaimed, tugging me alongside her as she ran down the halls.


I know that was really short, but in my defense I'm sick and I was already updating late. So I will try to make it longer next time!

Where do you think Brianna is? Comment below! (the next chapter could be dedicated to YOU) And vote please! It means so much :)

A long time ago in a far away land (my bedroom) I planned the plot for Sightless. I'm getting so close to a HUGE part in the story so watch out! ;)


and so is Christmas... just saying :P


-BritishButterfly xx

Sightless | One Direction [ON HOLD]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें