Chapter 14

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Good morning beautiful people! :)

(It's actually night here so I have no idea why I said that)

But hey! Maybe it's morning where you are right now, so in that case:

I hope you have a great day, I love you <3

Go ahead and read. the. chAPTER!!!



Ok haha bye.. I'm normal I swear

-BritishButterfly xx


Chapter 14:

Brianna's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of Harry's snoring... again.

We stayed at the hospital overnight like before, neither of us wanting to take the trip back to the hotel and leave Louis alone.

I groaned and rolled over, looking through my eyelashes at the darkness.

To my surprise, just like yesterday, I thought I could see grey silhouettes in front of the black. But this time, they were more visible and easier to differentiate. I knew I wasn't seeing things anymore. There were definitely grey shadowed figures where objects should be. I could even see a rough outline of Harry.

I smiled to myself, a tear coming to my eye.

Maybe this meant my sight was actually coming back. I wouldn't have to deal with this forever.

I wasn't sure I should tell anyone yet though, just in case. With all the stress going on about Louis, I didn't want to give any of them false hopes; especially Harry.

I just hoped that Louis was getting better too...

I shook my head, losing my train of thought. I then proceeded to wake up Harry.

He was much less stubborn today. After a few groans of protest, he gave in and opened his weary eyes.

"Why do you always wake me up so early?" he complained.

I rose from the couch and crossed my arms, "It's not even early!" I scoffed.

"It is for me," he said sternly.

"Ugh..." I decided it wasn't worth it and let him be.

There was a knock on the door and I directed my attention to the person outside.

"Come in!" I told them.

"Hey Brianna." It was Niall. I hadn't spent too much time with him since I met them all, mainly because before Valerie left they were spending so much time together alone. I wasn't oblivious. I knew they're was something up between them, no matter how many times Valerie said they were "just friends".

"Hey Niall," I grinned.

"Are you bored?" he asked, me nodding furiously.


"Okay, well go get ready and we'll go do something." he cheered.

I went to the bathroom to shower, stripping of my pyjamas and stepping into the warm stream of water.


I dried off, putting on a pair of high-waisted shorts and a singlet that was laid out on the counter.

I slipped my feet into my VANS and quickly ran a comb through my curls.

"Ready!" I informed Niall as I left the room.

"Okay, let's goooo!"

I giggled, searching for his hand.

It met mine as he led me out of the hotel.

"So what are we doing?" I questioned.

"Well food has to come first," he said seriously.

"Agreed." I responded, realising how hungry I am.


We ended up eating a small diner in the city that Niall suggested.

"Are the milkshakes any good?" I asked Niall.

"They're amazing! I've been here a few times and I swear they have the best milkshakes in the world!" he replied enthusiastically.

"Well then that's settled." I said as the waiter walked over to us.

"Hello, my name's Gary. I'll be your waiter this morning." his voice was raspy and he was likely middle-aged.

I smiled at him politely.

"Something to drink?"

"Two chocolate milkshakes please!" Niall requested for us both.

"Coming right up." Gary said as he left, heading to the back of the diner.

We talked together about anything that came to mind until the waiter returned with our drinks.

I placed the drink in front of me on the tablecloth, thanking him.

"And what can I get the lovely couple this fine morning?" he continued.

If I had been taking a sip of my milkshake-like Niall had been-I would have spit it out. But as I said previously, Niall took care of that just fine. I was covered with chocolatey liquid as I held back a laugh, nearly snorting.

"No, uh, we're just friends." I informed him.

I can't believe someone would think Niall and I were dating.

"Oh really?" he seemed surprised and not entirely convinced.

"Yes. I actually have a girlfriend." Niall said, me giving him a blank look in return.

Since when did Niall have a girlfriend?

Maybe Valerie and him had gotten a lot closer than I thought.

"Oh I see..." Gary muttered.

An awkward silence filled the air. We quickly ordered and were left alone once again.

I managed to wipe off all of the chocolate milkshake on my skin with a napkin and Niall's assistance.

"Sorry about that," he said shyly for about the tenth time.

"Seriously Niall, it's no big deal." I laughed it off.

"Okay, well now you've got to try it," he stated.

"I think I already got a taste of yours," I joked. "Anyways, first you have to tell me what this whole girlfriend thing is about. I want all the details."

He sighed, "Well there's not much to say. Valerie and I were getting along really well and we went on and few dates. I guess I realised pretty quickly that I had feelings for her. So, it sort of just went from there."

"Awww, how cute." I smirked, "I need to have a little chat with Val though." It was hard to believe she'd keep something like that from me. She's usually very open.

"And if you hurt her-" I started.

"I know, I know," he defended. "Now drink the milkshake before I steal it from you!"

I obeyed, locating the straw and drinking from the glass.

I was amazed by the taste. Niall was right, this really was the best milkshake ever.

"Oh my God..." I moaned.

"I told you." he said, having some of his own.

A few cheeseburgers and loads of chips later, we payed for our meal and left.

"That was so good Niall. It's like you've introduced me to heaven."

"What can I say? I'm an angel when it comes to the food industry." he replied in matter-of-fact tone.

I chuckled as we walked back to the car. It was nice to hang out with Niall. I had a feeling we'd become great friends.



So this was sort of just a filler chapter, but you know I wanted to have a chapter with a bit of Niall/Brianna bonding.

And there was some insight on Niall's and Valerie's relationship.

Can you get me to 11K reads?! I think soooo :)

See you next time!

P.S. Do you like the new cover?! :D

-BritishButterfly xx

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