Chapter 12

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Dedicated to @Californiagirl_2194

Heeeeellooooooo :D

It's time for another update!

Oooo what will happen in this mysterious chapter? I guess you'll have to read it to find out.

I started school recently :( ugh school...

But I'm not very busy this weekend so I had enough time to write :) Yay!

Now on with the story!!

Drum roll pleaseeeeee

Chapter 12 :)

And don't forget to:


-BritishButterfly xx


Chapter 12:

Harry's P.O.V.

I quickly scrolled through my contacts and clicked one, my cell phone beginning to ring.

"Hello?" said the boy on the other end.

"Hey Niall, it's me. Harry," my voice shook slightly.

"Oh, hi." he mumbled.

I could hear another voice muffled in the background which most likely belonged to Brianna's friend, Valerie.

"Brianna and I are at the hospital with Lou." I explained hesitantly.

Zayn and Liam had left to get some food for lunch as we were all starving and Brianna and I stayed behind.

"Wait... what?!" Niall gasped, "What the hell happened?"

"He, erm, he's in a coma Niall." I winced as I said it. It felt so wrong to have to say that about your best friend.

"We'll be there right away," he said, referring to Valerie.

"Okay, see you soon." I hung up, releasing a sigh.

"You okay?" Brianna whispered.

She sat beside me on the worn out chocolate brown cushions of the hospital room couch.

"To be honest I'm not even remotely okay." I leaned over and buried my curls in my hands.

She nodded, "I know this is probably just about Louis, but if there's anything else bothering you you can always tell me."

"Yeah, I know," I reassured her, but I knew I couldn't. There was no way I could tell her about what happened with Louis right before everything fell apart. There was no way I could tell her the real reason why I wanted to go on a date with her, well at least the reason at first. She would think I used her which she has every right to think because I guess I did and nothing can change the fact that even if I like her now, I was only trying to prove a point to Louis then.

I couldn't help myself and I glanced over at Louis. He looked so peaceful, his body limp and the white sheets tucked underneath his arms. His eyelids were closed and you could almost believe that he was simply sleeping if you let yourself. But obviously the truth was much worse and had placed a constant thought in my mind:

What if he never wakes up?


A week and a half had gone by since Louis first entered a coma. The doctors said nothing had changed as far as they could tell and that they were unsure about whether he would wake up or not. We had told the fans Louis was in the hospital, but management insisted that we couldn't give them any more information.

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