Chapter 2

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I'm back!

Batman has come to update this story for me ;)

He's a good friend of mine! But I can't tell you who he really is.

It's a secret!!! Shhhh....

Anyways... Batman says:


Or else.

Just kidding!

Here it is...

Chapter 2 :)

-BritishButterfly & Batman xx


Chapter 2:

I remember my mouth going dry after Brianna's final question and then being dragged out of the room by my friends and the nurse. I caught hold of the door frame and used every ounce of my strength to continue holding on. The fading crimson paint that coated the surface was chipped and the curtains that hung loosely against the window were torn. A few scraps of velvety cloth were patched on here and there to distract eyes from the damage. With all the power I could muster, I dug my nails deeper into the wood. I would not be removed from this doorway without a fight. All four of my bandmates were violently tugging on my ankles to achieve their goal. I begged them to let me stay with Brianna, but all that came from my effort was painful screams and tears drenching my face.

"Lou-" she was crying also "wait for me?" Tears streamed down her perfect cheeks. Her hair was tousled and she bit her bottom lip absentmindedly, unsuccessfully concealing her nervousness.

I nodded, soon realizing that she couldn't see it which made me cry even more.

"Y-yes." I struggled.



At the concert: Louis' P.O.V.

The melody of 'I Wish' came on and naturally I sang the lines I had a million times before. I looked at the excessive amount of fans. Some nights I still couldn't process the fact that they were all here to see us. We were just five normal boys who got the chance of a lifetime to live their dream. It was ridiculous to think about. A petite girl with rosy cheeks cried tears of joy, unable to control her emotions. A young child stood beside her mother and bounced around, overflowing with happiness. A cute girl with red hair was too stunned to do anything. She was mesmerized. Beside her was a shockingly beautiful girl. About my age, maybe a bit younger. She was intently staring at something. I followed her line of vision and noticed it was Harry. I guess she didn't even notice me. I continued singing with less enthusiasm than before, still watching her. So she likes Harry? That left a hole in my heart for some reason. Her head turned slightly and her eyes met mine. I didn't want to seem weird so I looked away, but my eyes returned to her. I felt something. I wasn't sure what yet, but it was something. She was still looking at me and neither of us pulled away this time.

You couldn't resist taking a glance into those soft green eyes. Her hair was golden and curled to perfection. It reminded me of Harry's. She wore a pink and white striped crop top that exposed a strip of smooth, tanned skin. A woven belt wrapped around her denim shorts that were made to look torn and faded. Shining rose heels were used as the final touch of the outfit. I admit, she had distracted me. I got lost in her eyes and tripped off the stage. Of course I had to ruin all my chances and fall on top of her. Her red-headed friend gasped as we hit the ground, somewhat out of shock and somewhat out of dread. I couldn't bare to look at her, but when I did the sight was mortifying. Her eyes were closed and a dark red fluid flowed from the large gash on her forehead. I caressed her hair, sheltering it from the blood. I was fully aware of the tears that were beginning to fill up my eyes.

What had I done?

The ambulance came as quickly as possible and sped off to the hospital with her in the back, unconscious, along with her friend who was continuously bawling.

I climbed back on stage as if nothing had happened and continued with the concert. As I started my solo in 'Moments' I couldn't take it anymore. The sadness and fear overcame me. I ran off stage and into my car. The boys chased after me with worried faces, followed by a few screaming girls. I started the engine and pressed my foot on the gas pedal, swerving around cars on my way to the hospital.

The traffic was a blur. My only objective was to see if the girl was okay.

The other boys met me there and tried to comfort me. We found her friend and she fangirled for a few seconds before introducing herself.

"I'm Valerie!" she said, the freckles on her face shining in the low hospital lights.

"Nice to meet you." Niall gave a shy smile.

"Nice to meet you." she replied.

Niall's lips curled into a grin as he gazed into her ocean blue eyes. He likes her. And he hasn't gotten her sent to the hospital yet so that's a good start.

"How is...?" I started.

"Brianna." she told me.

Her excited smile became more serious as she spoke, struggling to keep the tears from starting again.

"Errr... well. They won't let us see her yet. Why did you come anyways? You're One Direction. I'm talking to One Direction!" she squealed. "Sorry." she blushed.

"Well, I feel like this is my fault." I answered. "It is my fault." I corrected.



We sat in the waiting room. The others made conversation while I curled up in the corner, waiting impatiently.

A few hours later a nurse came out of the room. All of us immediately looked up expectantly at her.

"Well," she began. "we have done some tests. When her head hit the ground it caused some brain damage. It could have been worse. It only affected a section of her brain. The part that controls her eye sight... So at the moment, she is sightless."

"She's blind?!" I panicked "I blinded her?" I curled back into a tight ball. The other five had shocked looks on their faces. They were speechless.

"Temporarily, most likely. When her brain heals, her vision should return to normal. She should be able to see in two weeks at most."

"What?! What if it doesn't return to normal? What happens then, huh? Am I just supposed to move on with my life like it never happened?" I pleaded.

"I'm going to have to ask you to calm down sir." she replied.

I opened my mouth, ready to continue arguing, but quickly shut it. Yelling at an innocent nurse wasn't going help the situation at all.

She nodded, approving my obedience and added, "All we can do is hope."

But hoping isn't enough for me.


Aw Lou <3 youre so sweet!! I can't wait until we get married.

I love youuuu xx

I swear, if this ever gets deleted again... Batman is coming for whoever is responsible ;)

Get ready for it...


Did you see it coming?

It's my birthday!!!

Just kidding... I wish :(

Oh how I wish that was me! :P


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