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Rose's outfit up at the top

"Jimin?" Jisoo called stepping into the house. There wasn't a response narrowing her eyebrows. She closed the door behind her heading to the kitchen. Where Rose was still eating her breakfast she had gotten up late. This morning usually Jin would be the one to wake her up but he. Wasn't there she really did miss him after all he was the only. Person she could talk with when Lisa couldn't come over.

"Rose have you seen Jimin?" Jisoo asked. Rose shook her head. "Nope I woke up this morning and he wasn't there" she replied.

Jisoo nodded and walked out the kitchen to find her brother in the. Mean time Rose finished up her breakfast she sighed sitting on. The mini couch in Jimin's room boredom over came her he kept. Her locked up in this room all day long that she has nothing to. Do plus he isn't even there. "Let's go" Jimin barged into the room. Rose narrowed her eyes shocked and confused at the same time.



"No I'm not going" she huffed. She turned her attention back to looking around the room. "Fine I'll just go and see your mom alone" Jimin teased walking out the door. "Okay... wait! what?! wait for me!". She leaped out of the couch hurrying behind Jimin. "So this is where you keep her?". She asked as she looked around the. Area it was a normal neighborhood with a few elderly. Men and women walking around as children played.

"I don't like to use the word keep she's like my mother as well. Anyways yes this is where she lives it's temporary though" he told her with a pretty straight looking face. Rose eyed him curiously he raised his eyebrows. In reply. "Why here? I mean you are a killer why not somewhere more...". "Scarier" he asnwered.

Rose nodded, "yes".

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath Jimin turned to face Rose. "Like I said she's like a mother to me putting her. Somewhere like that would be cruel and unfair" he explained use again. "But why though?". Jimin ran a hand through his hair letting out a deep sigh. "You know what just stop asking questions" he snapped. He got out the car walking towards the house. Rose followed him heading inside.

He walked towards a bedroom door knocking on it twice. "Jimin, son is that you?" the strange voice of a lady said. "Yes it's me may I come in?". He looked at Rose as worry plastered all over her face. When the woman suddenly coughed. Jimin opened the door and walked in but Rose just stood. There not moving an inch as she looked inside the room.

A middle aged woman was laying on the bed she looked sick.

Bur she couldn't quite tell how she looked since her eyes were. Blurry because of the tears she couldn't believe that she would. Finally get to see her mother after so long. "Jimin" she called out his. Name her voice was so low it came out almost like a whisper.

Jimin looked at her he noticed her expression and gently smiled. Before walking towards her he gently took her hand and intertwined. It with his her eyes darted from their hands to Jimin's. Dark black eyes. "Don't worry she's fine" he assured. He then led her inside and that's. When he saw the woman's face she looked at Jimin who was Already looking at her with a smile on his lips.

"Mrs. Lee I think you already know what I'm going to say".

'Mrs. Lee'?

Mrs. Lee looked up and her eyes locked with Rose's she had her. Eyes widened as tears started to well up in her eyes she looked at. Jimin asking for his permission he smiled and nodded his head. "Rose my daughter I've missed you so much" Mrs. Lee said with a smile on her face. The tears that Rose had been holding back finally. Made there way down her cheek as she ran into her mom's.

Embrace she wrapped her arms around her mother gently since she was sick. "Mom it's really you" her voice cracked. Still not breaking the hug Rose turned. Around meeting Jimin's eyes she mouthed a thank you he replied. With a nod he was happy.

Seeing both mother and daughter had finally found each other after. Being separated for so long this also made him miss his mother his real mom. He looked down and walked out the room.

At Kim Residence (Namjoon's house)

To give them some space when he received a message from someone. Namjoon was sipping on his coffee as he listened to Mr. Kim. He put his cup down and looked at him. "So... You want me to cooperate with you?". "Yes that way we can both get what we want". Namjoon laughed he couldn't believe that the top mafia. In the states came to his place to ask for his cooperation.

"And what makes you think I'll cooperate with you?" He asked.

Mr. Kim smirked.

"Easy you want to take revenge on Jimin and I want to take his company and properties" he explained in the fullest condition.
Namjoon's face darkened. He hated that name."How do you know that?".

"Well I have my ways" Mr. Kim said with a smirk on his face.

At Park Residence

Jimin slammed his fist on the table in front of him he then. Looked at Taehyung dead in the eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me Kim Taehyung are you seriously. t
Telling me that someone broke into the mansion?!" he growled. Taehyung flinched and hesitantly nodded looking down at his feet. He knew how scary Jimin could be when he's angry. He could even kill someone.

"Kim Taehyung!" He hissed.

Shit he was dead everyone would be terrified if Jimin called them. By their full name. "I'm sorry I'll gather some men to look into it".

He walked out the room while Jimin gather a fist full of his hair. And pulled on it in frustration. His chest started going up and down anger taking over his body. "Based on the footage two men broke into the mansion that day". The man said as he pointed to the computer screen.

Taehyung's eyes narrowed down something was suspicious about this footage. "Wait... that man".

Jimin immediately looked at him. "What do you know him?". "Yeah he's one of our men" he told him.

"He's right I think he's the one who let them in" Yoongi said. Jimin was fuming with anger his own man that he trusted. He looked at his other man Taehyung and Yoongi. "Bring him to the basement NOW!". Taehyung and the man flinched except for Yoongi he wasn't. Scared of Jimin to him he was a kid and nothing more.

"You asshole you thought you'd get away with it huh?!".

He slapped the man in the face before aiming his gun to his forehead. "P-please sir I- I'm sorry". "Who else do you work for you scum!". The man didn't respond to the question. "Are you fucking deaf answer the question!" he barked. Jimin pushed the tip of the gun even. Closer to the man's forehead which made his head slightly jerk back as he winced in pain.

"I- I'm s-sorry I c-can't tell you".

I'm a terrible author I haven't updated in a while you guys must have been dying for the next chapter well here you go I'll update more frequently okay thank you for supporting Only Mine ❤🤧😁

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