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Kim Residence

Rose stared down upon the beautiful scene before her she was mesmerized by the beauty of the city. Something she's never seen before indeed just like her mom once told her the city was beautiful.

She was holding a glass of water as she waited for him to arrive.

Speaking of the devil here he came a tall man dressed in a black suit stood behind Rose. "You should come inside we have lots to discuss".

Rose turned around with a unamused look on her face. "I didn't come here to sit down and have tea with you" she sassed. The man frowned raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Look I came here to see the man behind all this and it's definitely not you".

She said eyeing him from head to toe. "I understand that your curious and eager to meet my boss but before I let you do that I believe we have something to discuss" he replied.

Rose let out a frustrated breath. "Discuss what I have nothing to discuss with you just show me who you work for and we can go or separate ways". The man sighed and stretched out his hand with a forced smile plastered on his face.

"I think I should introduce myself hello Mrs. Park I'm Kim Namjoom the leader of Silence Gang". Rose looked down at the hand before her and took a sip of her water.

"Thanks but no thanks also I prefer Rose thank you so cut to the chase what do we need to discuss?" She asked. Namjoon drew back his hand before answering her question. "It's best if we go inside". He turned around and made his way inside finding a seat on the sofa.

Rose followed behind him and took a seat next to him. "Okay I'm all ears". "I just want to clearify do you know Areum?". "Areum?" Rose questioned.

He nodded. "Yes Choi Areum". Rose shook her head. "No I don't who is she?". Namjoon switched positions crossing his legs as his gaze was still fized on the woman in front of him. "She was my first love and....". "And?". "And also Jimin's ex-girlfriend". Rose nodded that's it clicked.

The day that Jisoo told her that Jimin had a girlfriend before but ever since some incident he never had another girlfriend. "What happened bewteen them?" She asked curiously. "She died".

Her lips let out a soft gasp along with hrr eyes slightly widened as soon as she heard the words "died". Covering her mouth she listened to Namjoon's next words. "It was all planned". "Again?". "Yup Mr. Kim and his sons planned it all". "They made it look as if Jimin was cheating on Areum behind her back and they brain washed her and it led to her killing herself".

"Well I have to say I did feel bad after what happened but...". "I had to make it look like I was the one at fault to see if his feelings for you were genuine or not and its true he loves you very much".

Rose looked down at her feet she didn't know what to say.

Her face was turning red upon hearing those words from Namjoon's lips. "But how do you know all these?" She asked looking up at the man. Namjoon smirked upon seeing Rose's confused exoression. "Well like I said over the phone there's a mastermind behind all this he did it to take them down and he technically did this for revenge and justice for your dad".

Park Residence

Jimin was raging in anger and Angel was crying nonstop. Rose had suddenly disappeared on the night they were supposed to have dinner with his parents. And she only left a note behind.

Dear Jimin and my sweet baby boy I'm sorry that I suddenly disappeared but I will be back soon I promised don't worry about me I'm fine just take care of yourselves also Angel listen to dad okay mommy loves you love you too Jimin
Love Rose

Jimin was on a rampage he had ordered his men to go and find her but nothing all he could do was sit in anger. Waiting for at least a call from her all he wanted was to hear that sweat angelic voice of her's. 

After waiting and waiting he finally called everyone to the living room. "I won't ask again where the fuck is Rose?!". "W-we don't know sir". The leader of the men spoke up after seeing his teammates had their heads down low. That answer wasn't the answer Jimin was looking for with his eyes burning in rage he looked at the man.

"Well then I guess you better find her" he said in a calm yet devilish tone. Jungkook and everyone else came rushing into the living room while panting heavily.

"We checked all the cctvs nothing it's as if someone hacked the cameras". "What do you mean someone hacked the cameras?". Taehyung then spoke up. "I checked everything before I went to bed last night and they were working fine today I don't know what happened". Jimin let out a deep sigh locking his lower lip he looked at his men.

"Have any of you seen Yoongi?". Silence. "Have you!". They all answered no while trembling in fear. Jimin brought his right hand close to his face massaging his temple.

Everything was happening all at once it made his head spin. "You all follow me" he said pointing at Jungkook and the others.

Kim Residence

"So are you ready to meet the masterminds?". Rose was hesitant but eager at the same time she wanted to out an end to this war. And to live a normal life with her son and Jimin so without another thought in mind she replied. "Yes". "Alright then".

He said as he walked towards the front door and slowly opened it before stepping aside as the 'masterminds' walked inside the living room.

The sound of the footsteps echoed through the room a pair of women's high heels and a pair of men's shoes. They walked inside side by side Rose's heart was beating louder and faster than its usual pace she looked down and bit her lower lip. Trying to calm herself she was really eager to see who they were.

"Honey"."Hello again Rose".

'Wait, those voices' she thought. She instantly looked up and face the woman and man since she had recognized who the voices belonged to. As soon as her eyes met theirs  she was stunned she never thought that they would be the ones who planned all this especially not her. They were none other than.... "Mom and Mr. Park?".

The End.

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