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Rose quickly pushed Jimin off of her when she heard Angel's voice.

Jimin's eyes widened he looked towards the door then towards Rose.

"W-what do we do?" He whispered.

Rose put her index finger to her mouth shushing Jimin.

"Shh if we're quiet he'll just assume that I'm sleeping" Rose replied in a hushed tone.

Jimin nodded and turned his attention back at the door.

Angel wiped his nose with his arm assuming that his mother.

Was already asleep and had not heard him.

He quietly went back to his room.

With a very disappointed look on his face. Now he had to sleep all by himself.

Rose and Jimin both assumed Angel had gone.

Since it got quieter out in the hall. A sigh of relief left Jimin's mouth.

He slowly turned his head back towards Rose with a smirk on his face.

He immediately started kiss Rose again but this time. Rose pushed him away from her.

"Jimin please" Rose pleaded.

Jimin looked at her with a confused look on his face.

Rose had felt guilty after pretending. To be asleep now Angel had to sleep by himself.

But she had only did it because of Jimin.

"What? is something wrong?" He asked curiously.

Rose sighed. "I feel bad okay I've never let him sleep alone".

Jimin had to hold himself back from laughing.

But the face he made quickly gave him away. Rose looked at him with a serious expression.

"What? He's four years old why can't he sleep alone?" Jimin argued.

"So what if he's four".

"He had a nightmare kids at his age need comfort from their parents Jimin!!!" Rose protested.

Jimin scoffed running a hand through his hair.

Hearing that Rose quickly came off the bed running towards the bathroom locking herself inside.

Jimin chased after her but was too late as she had already locked the door.

"Damn it Rose!!!" He cursed.

Grabbing his hair in frustration he walked towards the bathroom door.

And sat down against the door leaning his head onto it.

"Rose" he called in a soft soothing voice. "I'm sorry okay I was just so caught up in the moment that...".

Rose was listen to Jimin as she leaned against the door.

With her knees close to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

Suddenly Jimin stoped talking. "That I bursted out at you" he continued.

Jimin waited for Rose to say something but she never did. "I love you" he muttered.

Before getting up and walking out the door.

The next morning.

Rose smiled as she watched Angel stuff a slice of blueberry pancakes into his mouth.

"Slow down sweetie" she told him. Angel nodded obeying his mom.

Rose grinned and grabbed her coffee cup. Heading over to the sink to set it down.

"Angel sweetie do you want to go to the zoo today?" Rose asked.

As soon as Angel heard those words out of his mom's mouth he immediately.

Looked up from his plate with a beam on his face.

"Yay!!! We're going to the zoo" he said hopping down from his chair.

And jumping around with his hands in the air.

Later that morning.

"Mommy look it's an elephant" Angel said pointing to the huge animal.

"Do you want a closer look sweetie?". Angel looked up at his mom quickly making grabby hands.

Rose picked him up so he could see the elephants more clearly.

"Wow! Their so big" he said amazed.

After looking at the elephants for a while they went to get ice cream.

Since Angel was getting tired and hungry. "Here you go one chocolate oce cream for the cutie".

Rose looked down at Angel who gladly took his ice cream.

"Sweetie what do we say?" Rose asked ruffling the boy's hair.

Angel licked his ice cream and cutely said. "Thank you". The ice cream server smiled.

"Your welcome little one have fun now" she said and wished them a goodbye.

Rose grinned and pulled Angel along the day was almost over so Rose decided to head home.

The Jung Residence

"Boss here's the information you asked for".

A man said handing a document file to a mysterious guy sitting in a chair in front of him.

The guy took the file and opened it up. Taking out a document with writing on it.

"Huh? Looks like I was wrong about her" the man spoke in a raspy dark tone.

The other man stood there silently as his boss looked over the documents.

"The bitch has been lying this whole entire time she's fucking married to Jimin".

The man quickly placed the files back inside the document sheet placing it on the desk in front of him.

"And just who gave you this information?".

"I payed her manager sir" the man replied. The other man smirked and nodding his head.

"Ha I guess it's to pay an old friend a visit".

Rose's home

Rose an Angel had just got home from the zoo.

Both were walking in the direction of the living room when something caught Rose's eye.

"Angel sweetie go on without me" she said turning around heading towards the kitchen.

Angel nodded and ran into the living room. "What are you doing here Jimin?".

Jimin slowly came out of the shadow looking around if Angel was there.

"I just wanted to see you" he said with a frown on his face.

"If you want to see me call so stop coming here uninvited" Rose said picking up a glass.

And filling it with water. She shuttered when Jimin snake his arms around her waist.

Resting his chin on her shoulder. "Are we okay now?" He asked.

Rose had forgotten all about their little fight yesterday. And had not wanted to talk about it.

"No but I do forgive you".

"But Angel's our son Jimin he doesn't need a mafia he needs his father".

Rose said taking a sip of her water. Jimin took in a breath agreeing to her words.

He pecked her neck. "Okay I'll be there as his father not a mafia".

Rose smiled happy that Jimin was finally corporating with her.

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