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9 years ago~~~

Rose skipped down the hallway with a bright smile on her face.

"Kookie" she called. Jungkook was busy doing his homework in his room.

And didn't notice that Rose was calling his name.

"Jungkook!" Rose yelled barging into his room. Jungkook jumped up from his bed taking out his earplugs.

"Rose! I told you to knock" Jungkook said glaring at her.

Rose rolled her eyes and walked into his room and sat on the edge of his bed.

He sighed turning to her before asking. "What'd you want?".

Rose crossed her arms turning away from him. "I'm not talking to you" she huffed.

Jungkook scoffed. "Fine then don't let the door hit you on the way out" he said attempting to put his earplugs back in his ear.

Rose's eyes widened turning around to face her brother.

"I didn't mean it like that" she said with a pleading pout on her face.

Jungkook smirked turning towards her. "Then tell me what you want?".

Rose had no choice at this point so she told him want she wanted.

"Nope if I let you go then I'd get in trouble" Jungkook said simply rejecting her request.

"But why not? Mom's not gonna know".

"Rose your already grounded for sneaking out the house last night. And I'm not looking to cause trouble so kiss that party good bye" Jungkook warned.

Rose huffed standing up from his bed. "Fine then" she said stomping off to her room with a frown on her face.

Later that night.

Rose laid on her bed tapping her fingers on her stomach as she listened to music.

That was until she heard loud talking coming from downstairs.

She quickly sat up taking her earplugs out of her ear. "Huh?".

She got up from her bed quietly opening her room door.

Trying not to make any sounds she tip toed towards the stairs. To listen in on the conversation.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" a woman sobbed.

Rose tilted her head to the side. "That's weird that sounded a lot like mom" she whispered.

A man chuckled.

"I never loved you Marian I was only using you as apart of my plan" her dad said.

"Dad?" She whispered. The voice finally coming clear to her.

Soon she felt someone tap her on the shoulder.

She jumped turning around. A sigh of relief left her mouth when she saw that it was only Jungkook.

"Gosh you scared me" she said pressing her hand close to her heart.

Jungkook had his arms crossed over his chest. "And just what are you doing?" He asked.

Rose huffed turned away from him. "Nothing that you should be worried about" she replied.

"Just go back to bed before mom or dad catches us" he warned walking away.

Rose scoffed but reluctantly went back to her room.

Not before taking one last glance downstairs.

She went back to bed that night thinking about the fight her parents had.

Were they getting a divorce?

Why did dad say all those things to mom?

All those questions flowed through her head. As she wondered why this was happening.

Two days later.

"Move! Rose yelled.

Pushing all the guards blocking her way. "Rose!" Jungkook cried out.

Rose stood there in shock as her brother and mother. Got dragged away from her.

Rose turned around her eyes welling up with tears.

"Dad why are you doing this!".

Her dad just stood there with an emotionless expression. As he watched his wife and son.

Get dragged away by his men.

Rose fell to the ground in defeat as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Why just why are you doing this?" she mumbled.

Her dad stared down at her with his head tilted to the side.

"Bring her back inside. And lock her up in her room" he ordered. The guards nodded carrying on with their task.

They pulled Rose up by her arms dragging her back inside.

Throwing inside her room they locked the door.

A few minutes later Rose forced herself off the floor walking towards her bed.

She laid down covering herself with warm soft blankets.

As she cried some more before finally falling asleep.

It was a little after midnight that Rose started to shutter in her sleep.

The image of a tattooed black haired guy flashed her her head.

She tossed and turned a groan escaping her mouth.

It happened again and again before it finally stoped.


"That was a very good plan Mr. Kim." a mysterious man said.

Mr. Kim smirked. "Finally I can carry out the next part of my plan".

The muscular brown haired man sipped on his glass of wine with evil smirk on his face.

"Thank you for your help Mr. Jung. I'll make sure that you get your half of the money".

Both men chuckled in an evil way no emotion showing on both their faces.


Hint hint😜. There is a new comer in the story. Can you guess who?

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