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Kim's Residence

"Kim fucking Namjoon! Where the fuck are you?!".

Jimin yelled as he walked inside Namjoon's mansion followed by. Teahyung and his five other men. Namjoon was just finished his shower when he heard loud. Noises coming from the living room with just a pair of shorts. 

On and a towel in his hand he walked out his bedroom towards. The living room as he expected.

His ex-bestfriend Park Jimin.

They used to be best friends... But not anymore. Standing there he looked at Namjoon ready to kill. Him Taehyung was standing behind him with some of their men. Namjoon raised his right eyebrow. "What brings you here best friend?" He teased. He emphasized the words best friend. Jimin just stood there looking at him dead in the eyes. 

"Why the fuck did you send someone to spy on me?!".

Namjoon smirked and slightly chuckled. "Easy because I want her". Jimin's eyebrows furrowed.

In confusion what did he mean?. "Her who?" He asked. Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Don't play dumb Jimin Roseanne Park your so. Called girlfriend I want her". As soon as that name left Namjoon's. Mouth Jimin took out his gun and pointed it at Namjoon which also. Caused their men to take action. "You can't have her she's mine".

"Yours when did she become yours? do you really want me to. Take her by force is that really what you want Park Jimin?".

"Over my dead body".

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair. "Your just so greedy aren't you? that you just love taking.
Everything away from me" he growled. His chest went up and down his anger taking control.

Jimin looked at him like he was crazy what was he talking about?.

"What are you taking about?".

"Have you already forgotten Irene".

Jimin knitted his eyebrows. "Don't you dare bring her into this" he barked. "What have you finally realized the mistake you made?!". "Namjoon stop this!". "No! you killed her your the reason why she's dead you did this". "Stop Namjoon please" he begged. "No it's all your fault you killed my first love". Jimin took a breath.

"Look it was all a misunderstanding she was the. One of thought I cheated on her which I didn't by the way" he admitted.

"I don't give a fuck! This wouldn't have happened if you had just. Left her alone to be with me".

"She didn't even want to be with you she never loved you!".

Namjoon gritted his teeth and charged towards Jimin with his. Fists clenched he swinged his hand out to punch but Jimin was. Fast enough to dodge the attack.

"What the hell do you want?".

"I want her Roseanne Park".

Jimin's fist met Namjoon's face causing him to stumble a bit. "Mention her name again and I'll kill you right here and now" he threatened. Namjoon smirked he liked provoking Jimin. "Roseanne Par...". Once again he stumbled and fell on the floor all of their. Men immediately pointed their gun towards each other.

Namjoon didn't stop Jimin instead he smirked he liked to see Jimin. Like this it satisfied him.

"Stop being stubborn and move on!".

Jimin pushed the corner of Namjoon's jaw blood strated. Drizzling down the corner of his lips.  Namjoon clenched his fists the moment he heard those two. Words tears slowly made their way down his cheek. Move on.

It isn't easy to move on from someone you loved with your whole heart. "Move on! How can I move on from my first love that you killed".

He pushed Jimin and hovered over him punching him.

Repeatedly until Jimin coughed up blood he groaned in pain.

"This pain is nothing compared to when I saw that she killed herself".

He left Jimin's body helplessly on his knees sobbing.

"I'm sor...".


"Hyung that was the past can't you just...".

"Don't call me that! And I'm not goin let that slide".

He laughed bitterly. "Okay fine I'll do it but I'll make sure that you. Feel the same pain you've caused me" he smirked. "Roseanne Park".

"You asked for it!".

Once again Jimin punched him in the face. He couldn't let that jerk in front of him take her away from him.

Park Residence

Rose was reading a book when the door to the bedroom opened. Revealing a bloody faced Jimin she immediately put the book on. The table next to her and dashed. Towards him worry could be seen all over her face.

"Jimin? What happened to you?".

She cupped his cheeks and look at his face he had bruises all over. "I'm fine it's nothing" he said weakling. He tried to remove her hands but she stopped him.

"No clearly your not alright sit over there".

She slowly sat him down on the couch once then she ran out the. Room and towards Jisoo's room.

She knocked on the door and slowly opened it at the word's. 'Come in'.

"Rose what happened? why do you look so worried?" She asked getting up from her bed. "It's Jimin he got hurt do you know where the first aid kit is?". Jisoo nodded and kindly showed her. Where they kept it Rose thanked her and rushed back to Jimin.

But there was no sign of him.

Just then the sound of water running could be heard as. Someone was taking a shower.

"He really is an idiot isn't he".

She let out a sigh and sat down on the bed waiting for him to finish. His shower just when she was about to close her eyes the. Bathroom door opened and Jimin walked out with a towel wrapped. Around his waist.

This was the first time she has ever seen someone half naked. Standing right in front of her.

She averted her attention to the word ' nevermind ' tattooed on.

The right side of his ribcage.

"Done staring" he teased.

Her eyes widened when she realized what she had been. Doing and immediately cleared her throat looking away.

Jimin chuckled upon seeing her reaction.

He sat on the couch in front of her waiting for her to treat him. But nothing she just looked down at her book pretending to read it.

"Don't you want to treat your future husband?".

She choked on her saliva upon hearing those words.

"What?... Oh okay".

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