Summer Time Sadness.

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Summer Time Sadness.

Chapter ONE.

Disclaimer: All rights for this "FanFiction" are reserved to the Author Shariah. This content is not to be re-published else where by anyone.


Everyone has secrets....mine were just bigger than most girls from the hood, but that was just it. I wasn't from the hood but Rashad was. I'm sure he had secrets too but I think my secrets would be far to complicated for him to understand..but with all of us starring down the barrels of shot guns..I think he'd have to because we'd need each others help.

Cascade's in Mechanicsville, Georgia that's where everyone went Sunday night.

Well used too. After awhile Cascade got to hot so they shut it down for the summer. I turned to look at Star and Veda, my face turning up into a frown. I flipped my long ponytail over my tanned shoulder, folding my arms with a roll of my eyes.

"Ya'll sure ya'll wanna be in here?" I cut in popping my gum, as I looked at the large skating rink. In the back of my mind, I knew it was an amazing skating rink, since my Father was the one who thought it'd be best to send all the little ghetto kids to this skating rink on Sunday nights. I shifted my eyes along the long lines of people, taking a deep breath praying to god my little white friends didn't make an apperance.

Hopefully they'd be too scared anyway.

"Guuurl I don't know." Veda answered after a mintue of looking around the area.

"I mean it's cute or whateva but it ain't got shit on Cascade." Star interjected loudly.

"Aha! You know!" Veda agreed, laughing with her twin sister. Both got silent when they noticed there best friend of nine years was unsually quite. They met New-New in third grade and have been close ever since.

"Girl what's wrong with you. You're too damn quiet!" Star bellowed, hitting her friend on her shoulder.

"Girl leave her alone, you know she just starring at her man Rashaaaad." They broke off into a fit of giggles, watching their frozen friend snap back to reality and blush under the moonlight.

"Fuck you both, come on ya'll let's just go." New-New sighed, walking straight to the entrance with her friend's trailing behind. They really never knew where she was from. They always figured her parents were just really snobbish or something and never wanted them to come over. They'd only seen her house once , and that was thanks to her brother King.

"Oooo! New-New! New! New!" I rolled my eyes turning around, falling into line with my equally sassy best friends.

"Yes Teddy?" I watched him lick his lips and come closer than I appreciated. I narrowed my eyes stabbing my nail into his chest, the second he leaned closer to my face.

"So when we go get together baby?" He grinned, rubbing my lower back. I gave him a stiff shove back with my hand, as I briskly walked away shaking my head.

"Nevah so keep pumping playa!" New-New knew damn well she did not want any of those wannabe's. She only wanted the attention of the one and only Rashad. She'd never admit it, and she wasn't even all that sure it was a smart idea to get invovled with him. They all were from the hood -New-New was just never raised in the hood, thanks to her Father getting money. But no one really knows that but the twins, and they didn't know any real details.

"Mmm she told you." Esquire cut in, high-fiving Ant before he walked away with him and a bickering Teddy. Rashad and Brooklyn where the last two standing at the entrance of the new skating rink.

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