Shots Fired.

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I felt a lump form in my chest as I watched them stand there. Rubbing my nose to stop the tears building up in my eyes I walked passed them, going deeper and deeper into the crowded room fighting my way to the kitchen.

"Erin." Jumping I turned away from the kitchen, to stare into the hallway. Inching my way down the narrow hallway, I turned the corner flinching when Esquire slammed the bathroom door open.

"Girl is you slow!? Hurry up and come in here before someone see's you." He snapped dragging me inside. I knew he hated me but I doubted he'd do anything to hurt me physically.

"Why are you with Rashad?" He asked bluntly his arms crossed tightly, as he blocked the door.

"I don't think that's any of your business." I frowned putting my hands on my hips.

"And I bet it's none of his business that you're not even from the hood." He frowned, his face hard. That made my heart skip a beat right there.

"I am! I've always bee-"

"You've always been full of shit! When I met you awhile back I recognized you and that fucking necklace from your Father's article on his children!" He snapped flicking said necklace. It was a angel...and when you opened it a picture of my brother and I rested inside.

"You're not from the hood, your brother is and your Dad." He argued, glaring at me.

"Stop." I croaked feeling my heart race, the more he talked about my brother.

"He was no good, he never listened to his Father and was always trying to run the streets like some thug. Your Dad tried everything he could to keep him out the streets but he wouldn't listen and when you were only fifteen someone shot and killed him. Your Father tried and tried to keep you away to but you ran away from home and never told them where you went!" He whispered in my ear so the people knocking at the bathroom door wouldn't hear.

"It's true they did shoot and kill my brother, but it's  heavy in the streets. My perfect FATHER kicked him out because he was supposed to be, someone else in my father's eyes okay!?  He got some girl pregnant, a girl my Father and Mother didn't see fit so they kicked him out and he tried to find my aunt Eve...and when he was buying me my favorite snacks...just like he used to...they mistook him for someone else and they shot my big brother. THAT'S what happened. So don't think for a second I'm some shallow bitch because we all have stories. My brother did things for a reason and so did I. And another thing, no where in that article did it say I ran away, nor did it go into dark detail like that! Stop assuming shit and get your facts straight, my perfect Father isn't so perfect he's a sell out who just ran from the Tre when he got some money!" Storming out of the bathroom, I walked into the kitchen shaking my head as I made myself a drink. Out the corner of my eye I watched him leave to go upstairs somewhere, but I didn't care. What I had told him was partially true. My brother did get shot that night he went looking for Aunt Eve's house but that's not the night he died. No..he got shot again, all because of me.

"So you ready to talk yet or what?" Bringing my cup back up to my trembling lips, I kept my eyes focused outside until I got my emotions together.

"Rashad now is not the time." I sighed, careful not to smudge my makeup as I wiped under my eye.

"Well when is the right time? I don't just fuck anybody and move on. I'm not cut like that, that shit dirty." Sighing heavily I shook my head and chose to pour the rest of my drink down the drain. It was nothing but vodka and lemonade mixed together. I didn't need Aunt Eve smelling that shit on my breath anyway, she'd threaten to send me back home. I was eighteen yeah, but I had no power, and no powerful friends that would help me. All my connections and lawyers weren't my own. So he literally had the power to force me to London University. She offered to allow me to change my name silently without his knowledge and move out on my own before I was twenty. I didn't have a job yet, but I had a small hobby of playing my guitar at local bars when I could to earn money. I'm not going to lie I did dress very sexually and flirt for extra tips...and maybe dance around a little to get that money but it put food on the table and helped pay her bills.

Summer Time Sadness #ATLWhere stories live. Discover now