Lost Choices

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Four months later•

I'm second guessing and I should never second guess something this serious. I can't now, but I'm scared everyone will know. What will my parents think? My Father will lose his shit.

"You sure you want to wear that?" Looking away from my shoes I smiled nervously at my aunt.

"You sure you want to wear that?" Looking away from my shoes I smiled nervously at my aunt

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"I'm scared..." Stepping into my newly decorated room, I watched her flop down on my bed. It was a twin mattress still but she made my room feel like home and got more of my things. She told them everything I couldn't especially about this.

"Your friends accepted it, you'll be okay. It's just a family outing." She reassured.

"That my awkward parents and boyfriend will be at. It's been six months now and we've been doing better but I'm still scared because...

I'm almost four months pregnant now. It's like my belly got bigger every week and it was getting harder to hide her. I didn't know what we were having but I always hoped for a girl. But Rashad prayed for a boy. We could never agree on a girl name but since it was possibly his first son he debated naming him after himself but he would have my brothers first name for his middle name no matter what.

"Here it'll cover you." Pulling on the long sweater she handed me, I observed the short sleeves and long back of the gray sweater and walked behind her from my room, smiling to see Rashad already there waiting.

"We're going shopping when we find out the sex, it's time to start up a room for the baby understand?" Nodding I met Rashad outside in his car, waiting for my aunt to get into hers so we could follow.

"How's everything going?" He questioned as he reversed and followed behind her.

"Great....except the entire school body and my deranged Father doesn't know I'm carrying a child." I whispered as we pulled up to the field , full of cars. It seemed Nell had invited quite a few friends and her grandmother. Her grandfather was far to sick in the hospital right now. Approaching the party, I smiled when Nell ran to embrace me.

"How's everything going..." She whispered, her hand brushing my growing stomach.

" She whispered, her hand brushing my growing stomach

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