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First of all, I'd like to apologise for the lack of updates. I've been sick, with the flu. I have had a nasty cough and runny nose. Feeling a little bit better. On a second note, everyone should go and see the new Spider-Man movie.  I won't spoil it, but I got what I wanted

"Have you figured it out? What is happening to me?"

"I have a theory, but I'm not sure what you'll make of it"

"Hit me"

"Ok. I think you are experiencing repressed memories breaking through"

"Not this again. Please stop this. I don't have any repressed memories. Even if I did, where would they have been?"

"Caitlin, when you go through something traumatic or something that can cause you pain, your brain represses the memories to keep you safe. But they are still there, in your subconscious. Just bubbling away. Trying to get through. I think that yours are trying to get through"

"So what your saying is that these are my memories and because of something traumatic, my brain repressed them, and now they are fighting to get out?"

"I think it's possible"

"But if I had been through something traumatic, wouldn't I have known?"

"Not if your brain repressed the memories"

"But my parents would have told me?"

"Like I said, it's just a theory"

Caitlin lay in bed, thinking about what the doctor had said. Was it true? Where they her repressed memories, trying to fight through? Was she meant to remember everything? If so, why were her parents or Ronnie not telling her anything? But why is everyone keeping things from me she wondered? Or was it all a mistake? A misunderstanding? She clutched her head in frustration, what was happening to her? Her simple life had been flipped completely.

"What is happening to me? Am I going mad?"

She collapsed into her bed, and closed her eyes. She wondered exactly what she would see tonight 

Caitlin and Ronnie were driving around in Ronnies car, when they spotted him. Caitlin quickly ran out, and blocked his way


"Make me"

"Look, don't cross your limits"

"My limits? You have no idea what I am capable of"

"I'd rather not know"

Suddenly a group of guys surrounded Barry

"I told you not to mess with me, and you did. This is my way of payback"

Caitlin ran away

"He's all yours boys. Do a good job"

Caitlin and Ronnie watched as the boys attacked Barry. Caitlin turned around as they were attacking him, as she couldn't watch. Every scream and yell of Barry, cursed through her veins, and she felt like she was dying

"Enough" she yelled 

She ran up to Barry

"I gave you guys money to rough him up. Not too kill him. You've done enough. Now go"

"Wait Caitlin. I was only pretending. I just wanted everyone to see how much my pain hurt you"

"Why would you do that?"

"To see how much you love me"

"Me? Love you? In your dreams Barry. When I love someone, it'll be special. The whole world will know that I'm in love"

Caitlin ran away

"Sorry that I stopped you. Please carry on"

Caitlin watched in shock as Barry destroyed them all. She turned to Ronnie furious 

"Is this the best that you could do? You couldn't even find some decent men to attack him. Look how easily he's dispatched of them"

Barry ran up to Caitlin 

"Anything else? I really enjoyed my work out"

Caitlin ran away

"This isn't over"

Caitlin snuck into the stables. She had a bottle of alcohol in her hands. She quickly poured some in every horses feed

"We'll see how much fun and enjoyment you get out of this Barry. I told you not to mess with me"

Caitlin quickly began backing away, as the horses started getting a bit rowdy

"Go berserk. Destroy the whole stables. Make him regret ever messing with me"

Caitlin backed away, but suddenly fell down. She quickly tried to free her leg, whilst the horses ran crazily around everywhere 

"Help" she yelled 

She fell down on the hay, and saw a horse on top of her

"I'm going to die" she thought

Just then, she saw the horse back away. She sat up, wiping her eyes, wondering what was going on. She was amazed to see Barry with fire, scaring the horses away 


"What the hell do you think you were doing?"

"Barry I"

"Shut up"

Barry grabbed her hand and quickly led her to the exit, fighting off a few horses on the way


"But Barry you"

"Just go"

Caitlin ran for her life. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to get away from there. Finally she managed to get back home 

"Caitlin, what happened to you?" her friends asked, as they took in her appearance 

Caitlin said nothing and just looked at the floor

"He didn't do anything to you, did he?

Caitlin looked at the floor 

"We'll kill him"

"Shut up. If you must know, I nearly died because of my own stupidity. Barry risked his own life, in spite of everything, to save me"

Caitlin walked into her room and locked the door. She couldn't believe how stupid she had been. She looked at herself in the mirror. She saw a disheveled girl looking back at her. She saw some scratches on her hands, and realised how lucky she had been. It could have been a lot worse

Duff duff duff. What is going to happen now? As always, feedback appreciated 

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