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'BALLROOM' was written in bright blue letters.

Ruby sighed as she pushed open the double doors. The ballroom was huge, way bigger than Ruby ever imagined. All of the kids on the Isle could stay in here and still have room for their belongings. Her shoes squeaked on the freshly polished floor. Looking around, Ruby saw the huge chandelier and the iconic yellow ball gown Queen Belle wore to her dinner with the beast. 

In the middle of the ballroom, there was a table. On the table, there was a stack of books, journals, a bitten apple, and a tiara. Sitting at the table, was Audrey Rose. 

"What are you doing here? I doubt you need to know how to be a princess" Ruby says taking a seat at the table. 

Audrey lets out a scoff. "Of course, I don't you flea. I'm here to teach you how to be a princess so one day you can be queen. Although I pity the people you'll rule over. Rule #1. Don't slouch" 

Ruby tried to sit up straight but her efforts were futile when Audrey tsked in disapproval. 

"Here," Audrey said handing Ruby a book. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Ruby said taking the book and flipping through the pages. 

"Balance it on your head until it doesn't fall" 

"What? What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?" 

"Just do it" 

Ruby places the book on her head and it immediately falls behind her and onto the floor. Ruby picks it up and tries again and gets the same result. She tries again and again before she lets out a groan. 

"This is stupid" 

"No one said being a princess was easy. If you can't balance a dumb book on your head, how are you going to rule a kingdom?" 

"Your mom does it so it must not be that hard" 

Audrey gasps in offense and immediately starts to turn red. "Balance the book" 

Ruby sighs and balances the book on her head. While she tries to balance the book. Audrey goes over the rules and allegiances of different kingdoms. Even though King Beast ruled all of Auradon, the respected Kings and Queens still had control over their territory. When the sun started to set, Audrey called it a night and the two princesses headed out. 

They met together every evening. Audrey would bring in different books for her lectures, she talked about the history of Auradon and Wonderland. She retold the hero's fairytales. She brought maps to teach Ruby where all of the kingdoms used to be before they became Auradon. 

Sometimes, she spent her time ranting to Ruby about Prince Ben and how amazing he was. How much she loved him and vice versa. Ruby wondered if they would write a fairytale about the love of Audrey and Ben. 

Ruby was finally able to balance the book on her head and her back felt better than ever as it was now at a correct posture. After her princess lessons, Ruby read her mother's journal and tried to plan on how to get them off the island. She snuck into the library and looked through the laws and politics of Auradon. Looking way back from when the barrier was first created. 

"Flea, I can't teach you today, I have to practice for a tourney game that's tomorrow. I'll give you a pop quiz soon, study" Ruby read from a sticky note that was left on the table. Ruby threw away the note and decided to walk around campus as she had a few hours before curfew.

Ruby finds herself wandering to Mal and Evie's shared dorm room. The door was open but Ruby knocked on the door frame anyway. 

"Hey VKs" 

"Hey Queenie" Mal and Evie say in sync. Ruby sits on Evie's unoccupied bed. 

"What are you guys up to?" 

"I am making a new dress and Mal is flipping through her spellbook. What do you guys think of this color?"  Evie asks pulling up the dress from the sewing machine. 

"It brings out your eyes," Mal says barely looking up. 

"It'll match everything else in your closet and those boots that you love. Do you guys mind if I smoke in here?" 

"Do it by the window" Mal replies flipping a page. Ruby gets up and opens the window, lighting her joint. With an inhale and exhale Ruby immediately relaxes. 

The plain Jane from the first day of school shows up and comes in without knocking. 

"My mom says, "If I a boy can't see the beauty within then he isn't worth it" what world does she live in?" 

"Auradon" the VKs reply. Ruby inhales and the smoke enters her lungs again before she exhales. "Didn't your mom give Cinderella a whole make-over for a prince? That's some bullshit" 

"I'll never get a boyfriend" 

"Boyfriends are overrated" 

"Boys are overrated. Girls are where it's at" Ruby says before coughing slightly. 

"How would you know Mal? You never had one" Evie says stopping her sewing. Mal opens her mouth to retort but is interrupted. 

"No, remember. She had that fling with Harry Hook" 

"And you dated his sister," Mal says before throwing a pillow at the red-headed girl. Ruby laughs before throwing it back. The two girls laugh but stop when someone comes through the door again. 

"Hi, I'm Lonnie" 

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