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I am on a roll with these updates. Either because I am stuck in the house or because I want to be done with the first movie. This book is a lot of world-building. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

'That was awesome!'

'Best action we've seen in a while!' the voices cheered.

"I can't wait to get rid of you guys" Ruby mutters. After leaving Chad's room, she goes with her original plan and goes to the VKs room. The hallways gossiped about a date Prince Ben and Mal were having so Ruby knew Mal and Evie would be in the same place. She wasn't too sure where the boys were.

"Oh good. I see the anti-love potion worked" The White Queen said seeing Ruby without Audrey.

"Can't really talk right now aunty" Ruby says but stops anyway. "What did you just say?"

The White Queen grabbed Ruby and pulled her into an empty hallway. "I said that the anti-love potion worked" Ruby looked at her aunt to see her smiling. "The whole tray was mixed with it, I had no idea what you guys were going to eat or drink first so I just put it in everything"

Ruby had so many questions but was only able to choke one out, "How did you know?"

"The voices that you have dear"

"They talk to you?"

"Well of course they do, I am their Queen. Some of those you hear are great friends of mine actually. Although I had no idea that they were causing you so much pain. King Adam assured me that he gave your mother a gift, 'a way to remember home' he said. I pleaded with them to let Red stay in Wonderland but they refused and sent her there with everyone else. I guess it made no difference, Wonderland is a prison too now"

"My mother," Ruby paused. "She told me that Wonderland and Auradon were supposed to rule side by side. Instead, she said that King Adam locked them up in chains and trapped them in Wonderland, only letting them go to The Isle. Is he allowed to do that?"

"No, but I was too weak to stop them. It was 20 years ago, no one wanted to listen to the Queen of Wonderland, especially one who had no husband. The people only wanted to listen to strong men. King Adam had all the requirements for people to listen to him. He had money, a throne, a wife, and a healthy son on the way. I pleaded with the council for years and every time they refused to help me, refused to listen. I didn't have a way with words or winning over a crowd as your mother did. She was always better at politics and talking to people than I was."

"How did you agree for them to let us rule now?"

"I waited. I waited for 16 years until I knew the crown would be passed down to Prince Ben. I wrote him a letter. I didn't tell him what happened specifically, I only gave him a thin layer. I was the one who told him about how bad it was for kids on the Isle. Your mother told the Mad Hatter everything who then told me. I also told him about how Wonderland and Auradon were supposed to rule. When he asked his parents, at first, King Adam tried to deny it but Queen Belle told him the truth. It was the push he needed to write his first proclamation."

"To get a few kids off the Isle"

"And also help return Wonderland to its glory and have the next ruler rule side by side with him. That's you"

"This is a lot"

"Oh you have it easier than Prince Ben, Wonderland will basically run itself when they are freed just as they did before. One more thing, I have your medicine" The White Queen hands Ruby an orange bottle with a label on it. "These should help you not hear the voices, stop your migraines and all that jazz. Take 1 every morning"

"Thanks, aunty"

"No problem dear"

The VK room was just as Ruby remembered, the girls haven't done any customizations to it besides Evie's closet and clothing rack that had numerous purple dresses on it. Evie and Mal were sitting on the same bed while Evie was applying Mal's makeup.

"I hate to break up this little play date but why the fuck did you guys give me a love potion," Ruby says straight to the point. Evie and Mal both look at each other in shock before looking at Ruby. "Of course, the love potion wasn't for me, was it? You guys were making cookies that night and were hesitant about me joining. You made them for Prince Ben. Now, I don't really care what you guys have planned, the less I know the better. But, Audrey does know"

"Audrey knows? How does she know?" Mal asks. Ruby almost wanted to smirk at the fear in Mal's voice. 

"We were both spelled by the love potion. Her guess is that you spelled Prince Ben to become Queen so you can rule Auradon." When the two didn't answer Ruby nodded her head and took a deep breath. "In less than a week, I will become Queen. I have a task on my own that requires getting people off of the Isle. The good ones at least. The ones who don't want revenge, the ones who instead just want to feel the sun hit their face and to have better lives. If your mom, Mal, gets off the Isle and her plan of world domination doesn't work, where do you think you'll be? You'll be right back on the Isle like everyone else for another 20 years. Is that what you want?" Ruby stared at Mal who didn't look her in the eye. "Is this what you want for your friends? Evie is building a successful clothing line. Carlos, who I heard is getting over his fear of dogs. Jay is the team's most valuable player for something he enjoys other than stealing. Your mom cannot control you here, she can't harm you, you can make your own decisions. This is a fresh start for all of us" 

1039 words can y'all believe it. Vote, comment, and let me know what you guys think. <3

Also I just realized that this story is #3 on #disney I am so shocked and thankful for all you guys who constantly show your support 

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