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A girl wearing a pink top and blue skirt walks into the room. She wears dirty white tennis shoes and has a bob haircut. 

"My mom's Mulan" the girl, Lonnie says as her introduction. 

Ruby looks up and nods her head in greeting in a 'sup' motion. Honestly, she had no clue who the girl or her mom was. 

"Anyways, I love what you did with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and well, are evil. But do you think you could do mine?" Lone asks gesturing to her hair. 

Ruby raises a red eyebrow at the girl. "Does no one have matters in this school? You want someone to do something for you yet you diss them beforehand?"

"She's right, why would I do that for you? I'm not doing your hair. Now bye," Mal says smirking at the girl. 

Lonnie hands out a small pouch that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. "I'll pay you $50" 

"Make it $100" Ruby states, almost laughing at the disbelief and betrayal on Mal's face. 

"Fine" Mal clears her throat, "beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair" She then points her finger at Lonnie and moves it back and forth and up and down. Green sparkles surround the girl's head and her hair changes color and starts to grow. Instead of the black bowl cut, it is now brown and mid-length, with curls at the end. 

Ruby watches as the girl walks towards the mirror and stares at her reflection. Ruby stands up and goes and grabs the pouch full of money and takes out $40. Mal smirks as she watches the redhead leave the room and close the door. 

Ruby once again finds herself wandering around. While turning a corner she runs into a wall. With a groan she opens her eyes and sees Prince Ben, smiling at her. 

"Are you okay?" he asks holding her steady. Ruby looked up at him.

"I'm not going to bow like Audrey wants me to," Ruby says without skipping a beat. Ben chuckles and shakes his head in amusement. 

"And I don't expect you to. I'm glad Audrey hasn't run you away yet, she can be a bit much" 

"You didn't," Ruby says throwing a jab at his and Audrey's relationship. Prince Ben's smile never changes. 

"What are you doing out here?" 

"If everyone minded their business the world will go round a deal faster than it does," Ruby says quoting one of the voices inside her head. 

"That it would. Well, have fun exploring" Ben says and walks away to the direction where Ruby just came.  

"How curious" Ruby mutters to herself. 

Ruby continues her walk outside and finds a perfect view of the Isle. Ruby Queen sits down on a rock and stares. A feeling of homesickness hits her as she looks at her old home. If she squints and looks at the horizon she can see Uma's ship is docked and the Jolly Rodger right beside it. Looking some more she can see the bright colored tags herself and the other VKs painted using spray paint. The small specks of red, blue, purple, and green all stand out against the grey island. She sits there for hours until the sun sets and the moon rises. The only reason she leaves is that her stomach is grumbling as she missed dinner. 

It's late when Ruby finally makes it to the kitchen as she got lost a few dozen times. She opens the door and the lights are already on. She walks inside and sees the VKs standing around a table, Mal's spell book open and on the counter with the girl stirring a bowl. 

"What are you guys up to?" Ruby says mimicking Audrey's voice almost perfectly after hearing her lectures for a week straight. 

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