Chapter 17

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After the voices eased from Denki's mind, everyone decided to head home to process and grieve the loss of a legend with their own families. It was now 10:00 pm and Denki and Hitoshi were lying in bed. Denki had his head against his partner's chest, while the other adult stoked his hair. Tears pricked the blonde's eyes. He sniffled and Shinso shifted and looked at his husband.

"Hey... What's wrong? Is it about All Might?"

"No... But I'm scared Hitoshi... My father can get into my head and it's got me worried that he might be able to make me do things against my will... a bit like your Brainwashing quirk..."



Denki looked at his partner and saw that his eyes were a golden colour and his face had gone all soft.

"Oh Denki... There's no need to fear, my love... Everything will be alright. I will personally make sure that he doesn't lay a finger on your family. You just need to trust me when I say that all of this is happening for a reason, even if you don't understand it right now. Just continue to remember that I love you..."

Shinso's eyes then turned back to the indigo that Denki fell in love with. He was confused and the confusion was also written on his partner's face. Then, something clicked.

"I think... My mother just visited us..."

"What are you on about, Denks?"

"Your eyes. They turned gold like my own. Your voice wasn't your own. You sounded... You sounded like my mother."

"So, you're telling me that your mother's ghost just possessed me without me knowing and talked to you...?"

"Yes! She said that there was nothing to fear and that all of this was happening for a reason. She also said that she would protect us from him..."

"I believe you."

"You do?!"

"Yeah. Because you can't make that stuff up on your own."


Denki grabbed his pillow and threw it against his purple haired lover's face, laughing only for his partner to give him payback and hit him with his own pillow. They eventually grew tired and lay back down to sleep, only for Denki to be thrown into a night terror.


Denki woke up screaming, causing Shinso to jolt awake in a panic. He turned on the bedside lamp and turned to find his partner in a panic ridden semi-unconsciousness. He still seemed to be asleep as he wasn't responding but awake at the same time as he was panicking.

"DENKI! DENKI CALM DOWN! Everything will be alright."

"He was there...! I was there... mum was there. He killed her. He then turned to me and shot me just before I woke up..." Denki started to sob uncontrollably. "I'm scared, Hitoshi...! He's plaguing my mind and I can't get him out. I want him gone..."

"Denki... I know you want him gone. I know that these night terrors are scaring you... I'm so sorry you have to re-live it all when you close your eyes... I really am."

"What am I supposed to do, 'Toshi? I can't continue to live like this."

"... Maybe we could take you to a psychologist...?"


"They might help you to find a way to stop these night terrors and the panic attacks..."

Denki thought for a while. Maybe it would be a good idea. Maybe they could help...

"I'll give it a try..."

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