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My everything hurts. My heart is on the floor. My mind is in the clouds.

"You ready?" Draco asks, grabbing onto my hand. We didn't find Theo. He never wrote to me again.

Maybe the 'I love you' wasn't met to be there. I can only hope when I see him today, he'll talk to me and everything will be normal again. Me and Draco didn't actually see each other very often, we slept in the same room, but that was basically all the contact we had over break.

"You think he's moved on?" I ask, tears threatening to come from my eyes.

"How could he?" Draco smiles, wiping a new tear from under my eye.

"Easily," I whisper to myself.

I've learned how to get into people's heads, Bellatrix says I have something special. Something to do with the elements. I don't know. She said she can't tell me until she's sure.

My Mother and Father have ignored my letters. Classic. Like I care. I don't.

Me and Draco apparate away. There's a churning in my stomach as I land harshly on the ground of the Great Hall. Everyone is already seated except me and Draco.

I smile a little bit, sitting next to Blaise. Seeing Tate just brings all those feelings back. Now, I remember why I was so mad at Draco, I forgot that a little during break.

"Hey, I've missed you," Blaise smiles, "talked to Theo?"

I sigh, "Nope, not yet. Have you seen him?"

"Nah," Blaise shrugs. I search the Slytherin table. This is bullshit. No way he's just not coming to school all of a sudden.


I walk into my dorm. It's an alone dorm because I refuse to be placed anywhere near Parkinson.

Someone's owl swoops through my window, handing me a letter. "Thanks," I say, handing it a treat.  I lay back onto my bed and open it.

'If you ever need are in trouble or need me. Just think about me. Then, say infinity. I'll be there for you. For infinity.'

There's no signature, but I know who it's from. I hurry and grab parchment.

'Dear Mattheo,
Where are you? Please, just come back and stay with me. -Raiden'

I send it off. Come on, Theo. Come on. I lay back in bed, closing my eyes and wishing myself dead, drowning in self pity. That same owl swoops through my window.

'We are done, Raiden Darke. I'm at Hogwarts, I'll be at classes. But don't talk to me. I never loved you. It was a cover so my father would keep me in school. Don't make this more difficult than it has to be.'

This is some cruel joke. This is fake. No, Theo loves me. Why would he send that? No code at all. Just truth? No.

My jaw drops to the ground as a knock hits my door. I rush to it, waiting for Theo to be on the other side saying, "I had to say that, I love you!" But it's Draco.

"Go away," I cry, slamming my door in his face. I can get into people's mind from a distance. I search for Theo. But I can't find him. Anywhere. Where are you?

"What's wrong? Rae, what happened?" Draco asks.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I ask, sobs filling my room.

"Quidditch tryouts tomorrow," He says.

"I can't!" I scream, "I can't do this right now, leave me alone,"

I rush into the bathroom, locking the door. No No No. Theo is all I have. My mother watches my father hex me, my father tortures me, Draco cheated on me, Tate was the one he cheated on me with. I have Blaise, but we aren't even that close.

I scream as I push myself into a corner, curling up in a ball. I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok.

Draco's POV:

There's only one person who can help her right now. And it's exactly the person who's causing her all this pain. After we searched for Riddle and didn't succeed, Raiden shut down. She's not bubbly and sarcastic anymore. She's sad and angry.

All those emotions she bottled up are coming out right now. I hear glass shattering. "Raiden!" I scream.

'Mattheo Riddle you dumbass! Get to her dorm, now!' I mail to Riddle as fast as possible as I sit on the opposite side of the door. My unlocking attempts, spells, charms, have all failed.

'I can't, Malfoy. She has to be ok without me. I can't see her. Keep her safe for me, asshole' he replies.

I sigh in irritation. Not the time to be stubborn, Riddle.

"Infinity!" Rae screams, "infinity, infinity, infinity!"

Then, there's silence. "Rae?" I yell. Nothing. The door clicks unlocked. I burst in and see Rae passed out on the ground. Riddle is standing over her. "I was never here," He says, "keep. Her. Safe."

He apperates and I rush to her side. I lightly slap her in the face.

Raiden's POV:

I think if all the things me and Theo have done. Every smile. Every cry. Everything. "Infinity!" I yell in tears as I slice a deep cut into my wrist, straight down, "infinity, infinity! Infinity!"

I look down at the blood, which is in a puddle. "Oh Merlin," I say as the world falls blurry and goes black. I hear the door unlock.

Infinity, Theo. Help me. Infinity. 

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