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I wake up next to Mattheo, Draco sitting in a chair. "Theo," I whisper, shaking him.

He pulls my waist into himself. "Good morning," He smiles, kissing me on the forehead.

"Where are we?" I ask, feeling extra warm.

"My bunker," He shrugs.

"Why?" I shoot back.

"Riddle here," Draco says, stretching up, "killed Adrian, in front of the entire common room. So, we're all staying in here until Bellatrix and Father erase all of those kid's memories and somehow convince people Adrian tripped or his death was an accident."

"You didn't." I say, looking at Theo. He smirks.

"That's not a good thing, Mattheo!" I yell, pulling away from his arms.

Killing someone is never easy. He didn't have to kill Adrian. But he did. I had to kill my father. I wouldn't have if I didn't have to.

His smirk fades, "what?"

"Why would you kill someone?" I exclaim.

"He-" Mattheo starts, beginning to get angry, "he- raped you."

"I can't look at you right now." I argue, turning my back to him.

"I would've killed him too, Rae." Draco says. I glare at him.

I groan, hiding my face in the bed. Theo plays with my hair. He's so cute. Ugh no stop. I'm mad.

Draco plays with my hair too. "Stoppp," I whine.

I turn around and sit on Draco's lap, hugging him.

"You're an asshole," Mattheo slurs.

"I love you too, baby," I smile, nuzzling into Draco's shoulder until I feel myself pass out.

Mattheo's POV:

I watch as her body goes limp in Malfoy's arms. "Sorry I punched you in the face," I chuckle.

"Sorry you thought I raped your girl," He chuckles back.

"She's beautiful," I say as I admire her.

"She is." He agrees.

"I know you love her." I say.

"So, you know she loves me back?" He retorts.

"I do." I state.

"And I know she loves you more," He continues, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"We can both protect her." I say.

"Deal." He says, meeting my eyes.

He stands and slowly lowers her onto the bed. "Thank you." Malfoy says.

"For what?" I wonder aloud.

"Killing Adrian." He says, laying next to her. I lay on the opposite side of her as the bunker grows cold.

"It's cold as shit." Malfoy comments.

"And we don't know what time of day it is," I add. My eyes begin to feel heavy. No, I'm not sleeping. Not while Malfoy is. One of us needs to be awake at all times.

I sit up. "Switch off?" He asks. I nod. Even if we don't switch off, I'm staying wide awake. I look back at Raiden, sleeping comfortably in Malfoy's arms.

I feel a tad jealous, but I know she loves me. She loves me more than she loves Malfoy.

Raiden's POV:

I shake awake. Another nightmare. This time, it wasn't about Enzo, it was about Adrian. I shiver a bit, looking to Theo, who's very obviously exhausted.

"I'm still mad," I say, crossing my arms, "but you need sleep,"

He turns to me. "I'm ok," He says in a monotone voice.

I crawl over to him, forcing him to straddle me. He moves my hair from my neck as he smiles.

"Please get some sleep," I stick my bottom lip out.

"Seriously," He continues, "I'm ok,"

I lean into his ear, kissing just below his ear before whispering, "please, daddy? For me?"

His breath hitches. "You're trying to seduce me," He points out.

"And it's working," I smirk.

"Someone has to be awake," Mattheo groans.

"I'll be awake," I smile.

"No, me or Malfoy," He clarifies.

"I can take care of myself." I state, bringing a flame to my palm.

"Oh, I know you can, Princess," He says calmly, "but just in case. I want you safe and so does Malfoy. I'll go to sleep when he wakes."

"You and Draco friends now?" I ask, playing with his hair.

"No, we just have the same goal," He answers.

"Which is?" I ask.

"Keeping you safe, of course," He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I peck his lips, wrapping my hands behind his neck and closing my eyes as I begin to get tired again.

"Goodnight, Daddy," I say quietly.

He hears it, "Goodnight Princess,"

Mattheo's POV:

She falls numb in my arms and I lay back, getting comfortable with her laying loosely on top of me.

"You wanna sleep now?" Malfoy asks.

"Please," I smile, closing my eyes.

I immediately fall asleep. I love the feeling of falling asleep when she's around. I know I'm gonna sleep well, purely because of the angel with me. She's so beautiful. So perfect. How is she mine?

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