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I walk out, hoping he's not still in my mind. I was just a task to him. All the times he called me beautiful, said he loved me, it was a hoax. Love isn't even real. It's something made up in books. True love is when you wake up on Christmas. True love is when you watch your father burn in a fire you created. Love is utter joy, that fades, or dies, or is broke into little pieces right in front of your eyes.

I stare at Riddle, who's sitting next to me in potions. I hate his stupid face. That scar, still on the bridge of his nose from when him and Draco fought. Those ugly brown eyes and curly hair. And a scar across his face cutting into his eyebrow. He's disgusting.

"Merlin, your thoughts are loud as hell," He says, turning to me, "if I'm so disgusting, why think about me so much? I swear to God I'm the only thing ever on your mind,"

I try to get into his mind, but he catches me and pushes me out. "Whatcha hiding in there, Riddle?" I ask.

He scoffs, "done."

"So soon?" Snape asks, walking up to us. Riddle is an asshole, but smart. This potion was supposed to take us 3 whole class periods. But here we are after one.

"Yep." Riddle confirms

Snape walks over and smells it. "Smell," Snape says.

Riddle leans in, backing away and coughing. "I can't smell anything over Raiden's awful perfume!" Riddle exclaims.

I lean in and take a smell. "Weed, blood, and vanilla," I say, "that's what I smell."

Riddle. That's what Riddle smells like. I watch as he smirks at me, but it fades quickly. Riddle smells my perfume.

I smirk as Snape dismisses us. 'Impossible. No way do I smell Raiden's perfume. She's foul. And-' Riddle thinks.

"So foul. Yet, I was what you smelled," I grin.

"You smelled me!" Riddle retorts.

"I smelt Enzo," I shrug, walking over to Lorenzo.

"Ready?" He asks, grabbing his bags.

"Yep," I smirk as he pulls out a joint. Good timing.

I look to Riddle, who's scowling, grabbing a book. Romeo and Juliet. I didn't know he read muggle books.

"It's not a muggle book," Riddle argues.

"Shakespeare was a muggle," I say, walking out with Enzo.

"I have to study, library?" Enzo asks.

"Sounds good," I smile.

We walk into the library, I sit at a couch as Enzo looks for books on DADA. Draco plops next to me.

"You and Partridge?" He asks.

"Maybe," I shrug. Enzo is really cute. Speaking of, he sits across from me, a joint in his mouth as he reads calmly.

I smile a little to myself

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I smile a little to myself. "Yeah, maybe," I whisper to Draco.

Draco flashes me a smile before speaking up, "so, Partridge, any hobbies?"

Enzo looks up at me, a blush rising on my cheeks.

"I like to play quidditch," He shrugs.

"I bet you're shit." Draco says.

"Chill," I smirk, snatching the joint from in between Enzo's fingers and taking a big hit.

"There's a party tonight, see you there," Draco says, rolling his eyes and kissing my cheek.

"He scares the shit outta me," Enzo admits, exhaling loudly.

I giggle, "He scares the shit out of everyone. Probably because he's unpredictable,"

Enzo snatches the joint back. We exchange glances before I stand. "I'm gonna get changed for that party, see you there?" I ask.

"As you wish," He smirks. I nod and turn, a smile still planted on my lips. He's sweet.

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