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I stare off the balcony of the Astronomy tower. Suddenly, the smell of weed fills my nose. I travel into his mind.

'Beautiful' is all I get when I'm grabbed into his arms and swooped down as if we're dancing. I stare into his eyes for a moment before going with it.

With the wave of my wand, music is playing. We dance around, tangled in each other until he pulls away, muting the music. "What're you doing up here?" Riddle asks.

"I like to see the stars, you?" I ask.

"Mostly to get away from you." He admits.

I glare at him, causing him to chuckle, "I dunno, I like fresh air I guess,"

I nod a reply. I walk back over to the balcony, he follows.

I catch his eyes for a moment. He's really good looking, I would tell him, but he already knows.

"You need to cover that better," He says, breaking eye contact and pointing at my mark.

I look at it, too. I hate it. It makes me look more ugly. If I wasn't enough already. "When am I getting my first task?" I ask.

"I dunno, probably next year, that's when they're giving Draco the mark," Riddle shrugs.

"School's ending in 2 weeks?" I question.

"Well, maybe over the summer, than," Riddle says plainly.

"Poor Draco," I say,  staring at the stars once more.

"Why?" Riddle asks.

"Because I was forced. He will be too," I reply. Enzo. His screams enter my mind again. I try to block away every thought of him, but it travels. Stop. Merlin, I wish Enzo was just back.

"Why do you think about him so much?" Riddle asks.

'I love you' were his last words. To me.

"He said he loved you?" Riddle asks, turning to me.

"Yeah," I admit, my voice breaking.

"You're too gullible," Riddle growls.

"Fuck you, Riddle. He meant it. Unlike some people," I scowl.

He just scoffs. 'Nobody really loves you except-' I read his thoughts.

"Nobody loves me now? Ok, asshole." I snap, leaving him there.

'Sorry' he says in his mind.

"Fuck you too, Juliet," He smirks.

"Goodnight, Riddle," I sneer.

"Goodnight, Juliet," He replies, dragging out the 't'.

I rush back to my dorm, but not before I bump into someone and they drop some things. I bend down and assist them to collect their things.

"Sorry," I mutter, handing the books to, Harry Potter?

"Isn't your name Raiden?" He asks.

"Yeah," I reply hesitantly.

"Oh, I didn't know you were so," He pauses.

"So what?" I ask.

"Pretty," He says, a blush creeping on his cheeks, "Fred says you're funny and George says you're great to have around, but they never mentioned if you were ugly or not," He rambles.

"Well, thanks, Potter," I say, walking away.

"Anytime," I hear his mutter as I say 'pureblood' to the portrait.

I walk into the common room. "It is 11 o'clock at night!" Blaise exclaims, "where have you been?"

"Astronomy tower," I shrug, sitting next to him.

"Didn't Mattheo say he was going up there?" Draco asks.

"Yeah, we were up there together for a while," I answer.

"Oooo, what happened?" Blaise asks, smirking a little too wide as Pansy scoffs.

"We danced," I start, "then we argued. Then, I left,"

"Oh, that's no fun," Blaise says, his joy deflating.

"Wait, danced?" Blaise says, automatically happy again.

"Yeah," I say, "I'm gonna go to sleep, goodnight you guys," I wave.

I jump into bed. Merlin, I wish it was summer already.

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