8: titan mission

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        We entered back into the pack's den as my mother ran over to me in her wolf as I whimpered. 'You have another mission. Your heading to noraku's castle to retrieve the rest of the shards and your going to unlock your birth powers and that is poison so come with me and your friends' she instructed as I told them to follow. We see this epic doru that need my blood as I bit into my veins and blood oozed out and hit the rocks as the door opened.

        We walked in to see swords, graveling hooks, and gases of all kinds. My mother turned back to normal as her eyes were purple like mine. She traced a tear drop on my forehead while she kissed it. With that I changed as I wore a tight purple shirt, tights, and my hands and feet had gloves and socks with fluff on them. My hair was at my but as it was tied up in a high pony tail but, there was my dog ears and tail. I looked in the mirror as I looked adorable and I saw the boys smirking at me but, I only did was smack them silly.

        "These are your weapons so you will be able to practice using them. Time to put them into some use" she said as I gave her a curious expression. She put the harness on me first, then the graveling hooks, next the sheaf's, finally the gas gun and holster. She passed me my phone that can only do music and I liked that alot. "Your father when I first met him was a titan killer and you were his student so time to kill your first on for good measure." she said that surprised me dearly. I saw was a titan and I was scared on what to do as she started to explain how to kill them. It sounded easy at first as I see how big he was and I used the hooks to fly around its head as it smacked in to the wall. I screeched in pain as everyone gasped. I herd Inuyasha yelled "Aren't we going to help her?!" as I seen the titan pick me up.

        "No we aren't because she is part titan but, she need to feel anger" my mother said as I felt angry when the vampire attack and killed father, leaf, and many more. I wanted to kill everything as I bit a hole in the arm of the titan and climbed in him. I swam up to the skull of it as I broke threw it as it screamed. I was cover head to toe in blood and I wasn't affected by it only I wanted to do was kill it a very pain full death that's when I changed in to a wolf titan. "Doru you must calm down this isn't you you need to calm down" I herd my mother yelled at me as I looked at them and roared. I tore apart the titan as it was nothing but, bone. I sat back down as my titan body was rotting away as I was able to climb out.

        "I'm ready for the mission at hand mother" I said as I whistled for a horse. "Your not going alone" I herd sesshomaru say as I sighed. "You may come as you wish" I counter as I brought him over a white horse with the same equipment. "Can you go one day with out your sword" I tell him, he sighs in defeat as my mother puts on his saddle and equipment on. I left the den with sesshomaru following as I snuck a few thousand packs of blood. I her my mother howl telling us that Noraku had titans a few hundred close to an army as I knew that I would see blood. We camped a few miles from noraku's castle and I saw titans everywhere. I kept watch as my eyes were red, yellow, purple, then light blue but, this was the first time in a few years I was able to get some sleep.

        In the morning I was awaken by sesshomaru because I was talking in my sleep and tears were flowing. We got closer as sesshomaru knew how to use the equipment and boy I was empressed. We were in a tree when I was a titan and it was a crawler as I striked it down to the point it wasnt moving. My poison was active as I wasn't affected by noraku's gases but, it was way too easy and I knew noraku was here. A titans arm came swing at me when sesshomaru took the hit flying in the air as I seen his blood leaving his body.

        "SESSHOMARU PLEASE BE ALRIGHT" I cried at him as his eyes were closing and more tears fell. His heart has stopped and I didn't have my venom with me as I turned wolf. I let out a howl to the point that other wolves howled to my howl and I herd my mother telling me to return home as I denied her. 'Mother i'm sorry but, I must loose my control' I linked her as I walked threw the castle.

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