13: fight over fluffy

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I woke up to hear my worse nightmare howl's and I hated that mutt for a while. "Doru get ready for cousin Luna's arrival" my mother said as I growled and put on my dress. I wore my poison outfit colors to see that Luna would want to take Sesshomaru from me, so I must protect him with my life. I walked down the halls to the training hall to see her touching fluffy.

"Hey flea bag stay away from my mate" I hissed as she turned around smirking. "Oh hey mutt face long time no see" she said as I growled at her clenching on my weapon. She tried to attack me and I attacked back landing on our feet laughing historical. "Even cousins can't get along" Kagome said as they stared at us.

"Listen here luna I will say this once STAY AWAY FROM SESSHOMRU" I warned her as everyone in the room gasped. "Wait a minute you like sesshomaru" Inuyasha said as I growled at him making him shut up.

"Listen titan shifter I will have him you sad excuse for a wolf. Your only a hybrid that cant even kill a lovable demon known as the weak fox" she insulted me to the point my eyes flashed red then green. Everyone in the room ran from me and got to a safe distance as I felt pain in my chest. "Oh please Luna you also a sad excuse for a pet dog" I hissed as she charged at me. She ran circles arond me making it hard for me to breath as I drop to the ground. I was coughing fire as I lit my entire body in it and knocking her on her butt as I laughed leaving a streak of fire.

"Had enough Luna" I teased as she got up and ran towards me as I turned wold biting and scratching her. All that was herd was grunts, pants, and rocks flying until I did was the impossible and that was that I caused Luna's blood to freeze as I moved it with my mind. "Doru quit that" luna said as I dropped her to the ground laughing. I had about enough of luna being direspectful so I grabbed her by her ears and dragged her in to a cage leaving her there for the rest of the day.

(a/n: Hey boys and girls who reads this I have some thing to say to you all. My Best friends BrilliantCrescent has a book out and I want you to read her newest book My Alpha Bryson and like it comment If not I will end this book and the others Just kidding I will only make you wait for a few weeks so this is a mini warning for you all DORUDRAGON-WOLFY1 is out Peace)

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