Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
"Wolves Den"

October 15, 1783
"Today Much Has Happened"
Dear journal
Today during my watch I heard the emergency call that only my people can hear. Did I not mention before ... I am a werewolf,but not just ANY werewolf... I am the Chiefs daughter. My name is Laura Destiny and I am the Chiefs first born so therefore I will become the chieftest on my 21st birthday in 3 months.Then there's my 14 year old brother Matthew. Everyone calls him Matt so when he annoys me I call him "doormat" that makes him shut right up.
That's besides the point, anyway as soon as I heard the alarm I rushed for the keepers hut where I was certain the alarm was triggered.
The second I arrived I could sense that there was something up, when I entered I saw my father "Chief Ezra" who never usually comes here because he has to much to do,being chief and all. Although I should have expected it and not said "Father what are you doing here?"
As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted them. "I am Soooo sorry father. I didn't mean it th-" before I could finish he cut me off saying "It doesn't matter now, we have a big issue to take care of." I could tell he was serious because his eyes were blood red.
The color that they turn when he goes wolf,and also the color they turn when he is being REALLY serious, it only happens to the chief or in my case future chief the others turn amber. So I shut up knowing it wasn't that important,but it would be discussed later.
"So what's the emergency? Are we under attack?" Laura said as she reached for her bow that she held onto when she felt threatened."Well in a way yes. An enemy has been identified crossing our borders at high noon today." Keeper Lucius explained to Laura calmly. "Which one the minators, the elves, or the dwarves?" Laura asked with excitement in her eyes. She was anxious for a fight, since one hasn't happened in 2 months when 4 elves tried to attack but she 'Easily' beat them all."Worse than all of them combined." Keeper Lucius said gravely. "It was ... a 'Vampire'!" Laura gasped loudly then asked with curiosity written all over her features... "How is that possible? I thought they were wiped out 100 years ago after the great war?" Laura remembered reading about it when she was a cub.
She remembers the title "The Great War and The END to the Vampires" and how hard she tried to remember every detail but couldn't because it was to much to process at once, especially for a little cub. "Yes, we thought so to,but somehow they have returned. It's just one in our borders so we can't jump to any conclusions until we know more." Chief Ezra paused for a minute then continued. "I must ask a great favor of you my dear daughter." he put a hand on her shoulder and spoke with Great seriousness in his voice."You must go find the vampire, capture it, and bring it back for questioning, but don't tell anyone about it, especially your brother. You know he can't keep a secret. Will you except this task?" She pondered for a moment wether or not to decline but then she thought I should do this to prove to my father and the tribe that I will be an excellent cheiftess. she waited a moment then said "Alright father... I except."
********************Laura left the next morning just before dawn so no one would see her leave. She ran to the edge of the border her father told her the Vampire was most likely to be found. She was halfway there when she heard a familiar howl. Laura stopped and smiled before she spoke. "Destiny, what are you doing here girl?" She asked as a white wolf of 3 or more years stepped into the light so Laura could see her. As Laura crouched on the ground the wolf quickly ran into her arms. Destiny was a wolf that Laura found 2 and a half years ago when she was on patrol, Laura was wondering near the center of the territory when she heard very quiet growling when she turned towed the growl she saw a small white wolf cub with her ribs showing. When Laura saw the little wolf cub all alone and starving she got her fed and taught her how to hunt, and ever since the two have been best friends. Destiny lives in the woods, but is still best friends with Laura since she saved her from starvation as a cub. "Destiny, I wasn't expecting to see you till later I'm on a very important mission for my father. So I can't play right now.Ok girl?" She asked the wolf who nodded, Laura smiled "Thanks girl. Your the only one who knows me. As soon as I'm done I'll come back to the woods and I'll tell you how it went. Got it?" Again her canine bestie nodded and ran off with another howl before she disappeared into the forest. Laura smiled, destiny was her only true friend, since everyone else either only wanted to be friends with her cause she the future chieftess or feared her because of her father.
After another half hour of running she finally made it to the place her father told her about. She couldn't see anyone, but she could definitely smell and unfamiliar scent. That was most definitely the Vampire, cause she knew every scent except this one.
So she quickly turned her eyes blood red so that when she met the vampire, it would no not to mess with her, that this was her territory, not theirs.
She ran in the direction the scent led her, then suddenly she spotted it at the bottom of a hill, stalking a deer. So she waited till it or as she could tell he was in hunting mode as she learned from stories told by the elders, so she would be able to get him when he was not expecting it. She waited a minute then,right before he was about to attack the doe, Laura jumped off the small hill, and caught the vampire in her claws where he would not be able to escape anytime soon.

Picture on the left of why Laura looks like

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