Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
"The Town"

After a couple days of rest laura had gotten all her strength back. She would of of corse have scars where the infection had been but she was used to scars.

Camden and Cassiel tried to get her to take it easy after she had been able to move but being the stubborn girl she is she refused and acted as if it never happened.

The group stayed camped in the same spot until the next day so they could make sure they were ready for the long journey they had ahead of them.

They set out at first light and packed up their possessions very quickly and began their journey once again.
After several days they came to the town of Jrolm. You see people had known of the elves and dwarfs, but not vampires and werewolves.
Jrolm was a fine farming settlement.

The people were farmers and fishermen. They would wave when a traveler passed. Cassiel licked his lips. "These villagers look so tasty." he sighed.

Meela shot him a look that could kill. Bartumus walked on ahead and saw the town gates. "Guys come on. The Gate is up ahead."

Cassiel smiled and Laura and Camden thought of the meat roaring on a fire. After all they could smell it. Then Laura blinked.

"This doesn't feel right. Jrolm means city if sirens in elvish." She said. Cassiel laughed. "That's not true."Camden laughed in agreement.

Meela knew that Laura was right, But if towns folk were using the magic of the Elven deity, Neega. She had to stop it.

"Laura. We need to stay the night. It is imperative that I do this." Meela said.
"Agreed." Laura said in a firm tone.

Bartumus smiled. The group walked into town. Cassiel and Camden rushed to a steakhouse.

Bartumus walked into a book store. Meela followed Bartimus. Laura sighed and sat on a bench and crossed her arms as she did so.

The book store was clean. Meela felt no compelling feeling. Bartumus did. All Meela did was pray that she wouldn't get a love spell.

Walking to a shelf Meela pulled a book in green binding off of a back shelf. Well she at least tried. It seemed stuck. Finally getting it off she opened it to see strange runic symbols in it.

She smiled when she saw it. She tossed it on the counter and a old woman came in. "Sixteen silvers dear." she said.
Meela placed the money on the counter. Taking the book she walked outside and opened it. Laura sat staring at the clouds.
Meela looked at the ancient drawings. It would take her a while translate it but it would be worth it.

After all this was a celestial book. A book written by the ancients. The sun set quicker than expected so Meela, Bartumus and Laura went to the local inn.

Everything seemed to perfect. Meela went straight bed. She tossed and turned as she thought about this strange town.
Chief Ezra and his two closest guards. He couldn't believe that his own daughter had betrayed him, Ran off with a vampire, Then with an damn elf, Then Camden.

"March on ya slugs." a gruff voice shouted.
Ezra rushed forward to see Blatamus. King I Dwarfs. "What's wrong Blatamus?" Ezra asked.

"My son was kidnapped by an elf." he snapped.
"My daughter ran off with a vampire."
"Can ya help me tack down my son?"
"Indeed. I believe that they are near Jrolm."
Blatamus sighed. The few dwarfs that were with him were clad in armor. Their golden copper armor also extended over their and a serious expression was carved in the armor.

There were slits for eyes. They raised their axes. "For our prince!" They shouted.

You see in the Great War, dwarfs and werwolves teamed up against the vampires. The elves represented a third side that was divided. The snow fae.

An immortal race that could only be killed by Blade were fighting only age at the vampires. The delrum. A race with cat eyes only fought against the werewolves. Then the Now extinct wood elves were only attacking the dwarfs. That war killed off that race completely, and so Blatamus and Ezra rode off to Jrolm.
Meela walked to the courtyard of the town to see a hung over Camden and Cassiel. "Where were you last night?" Laura shrieked with anger.
"I don't know I think we got drunk. Then this real nice lady let us stay the night at her house." Cassiel said.
Laura slapped both of them.

"Do you know what could have happened?"
"Yes. But I highly doubt that I would have had sex with her." Camden said.

Laura slapped him again.
That's when a sound was heard. "Open the gates for Dwarf King Blatamus the Fearless!" The town crier said.

Bartumus tries to slip away but Blatamus and Chief Ezra walked in. "Bartumus. You think you could disgrace your family so easily." Blatamus said.

Meela reached behind her cape and pulled out a katana. "I thought you couldn't fight." Laura said.
"I can. I didn't want you guys to know that I mastered my celestial form." she said.

You see a celestial form was when a king or queen of any magical race besides vampires and werewolves summoned the power of their favorite deity. Meela was young for doing this.

She wasn't Queen yet.
She called apon her form. She grew taller and seemed to glow. The katana grew and curves ever so.

She smiled. Blatamus was shocked. He summoned his. He was now Meela's hight and his dual axes were larger. The copper cold armor and weapons were shining. "You have a celestial book."

Meela and Blatamus said in unison. "The book of Ula." Blatamus said.
That's when Meela's dress began to change.

It was a shimmering light blue cloth. A cape of almost transparent cape of the same material. A silver crown now adorned her head. "You have the book of Neega." he spat. "The most powerful one."
That's when a second katana appeared in her hands. "I challenge you for possums in of the bio of Ula." Meela said.

"And Bartumus's freedom."
"Why is Bartumus involved?" Blatamus asked.
"Because, I...I've always loved him. I don't know if he feels that same about me. He reminds me of... Weso." she said.

"Meela,I never knew. I've ways felt the same about you." Bartumus said.
Blatamus smiled. "Princess Trathmeela Agenrack Nolghelm, I challenge you."

"Challenge accepted." she said easing her sword. "Bring it you Mother Fucker."

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