Chapter 10

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Laura watched as Meela charges into battle. Bartumus rushed in with a war axe but was tackled by one of Erza's guards. That's when Camden poked Laura. "Me and Cassiel are making a bet about how long we think it will take Meela and Bartumus to make love." He said.

"Three weeks from now." Laura said placing three silvers in his hand.
"One week and two days." Cassiel said placing a piece of gold in Camden's hand.
"Two weeks." Camden said tossing five coppers in his hand.
"How are going to know?" Laura asked.
"I hear that they have this look in their eyes." Cassiel said.
"I think their giggly." Camdon argued.
"I think the firsts one is true." A spectator said.
"Now that I think about it. There was this woman looking at you with this look like you... you... arghhhhh. DAMN you!" She screeched.
She punched Camden who flew back a abit from the blow. "In my defense I was drunk and she was HOT!" He said which earned him another hard punch to the face from Laura who then stormed off.

After she was a ways away that's when Laura felt a burning sensation come over her. She turned to see a high ranking member of the tribe. He had gloves on and was holding a rod of silver over her back. Laura blacked out.
Meela was sweating. For a dwarf this clad in armor he was fast. She sliced at him, which he dodged. Then he switched to an offensive position when Meela began to grow tired.

She blocked his blows. But the power behind the hits staggered her. She gritted her teeth and ft her self push all of her remaining energy into a final blow.

She twirled her katanas. She caught Blatamus off guard and put her blade to his throat. "You win." he said.
He handed her the book.
Everything went hazy. Neega appeared. "My champion, you have broken a curse that has given your people a disadvantage in fighting.

They were cursed with short hight. Getting that book has broken the curse." Meela nodded.

Everything went back to normal and she pocketed the book. Then she began to stagger and blacked out.
Camden and Cassile walked out of their hiding spots. Meela lay passed out and, Laura was gone. They looked around to see where she was but she was no where in sight.

A commoner of Jrolm rushed up to the two men. "Oh my Camcam!" she Exclaimed.
"Do I know you?" He asked her.
"I gave you a place to stay." she said. "Oh, Cass." she squeaked.
"Go to Hell." Cassiel spat.
A villager walked up to her. "Handra. That's enough." he said.
His skin began to change. It was pale moon colored and his ears were pointed. He was a siren. Everyone in village turned into this.

Handra tossed her raven hair. "Alright Koname." she spat.
"Sorry about her. She is a master in Allure magic. A rare magic, she is still trying to master it." Koname said.
He brought Cassile, Camden, and Bartumus to the clinic. After the check up they were greeted by a Delrum. Her cat eyes were red and focused.

Her raven hair was tied in a braid.
"I'm Celsa." she said to the trio. "I wish to travel with you." She said gently.

"We have something else we need to do before talking about such." Camden says frustratedly. Cassiel looked at him confused and camden gave him an angry look."Laura is fucking missing and the Basterd that took her is her father! The man she betrayed! Do you have any idea what he's going to do to her!" He growled and paced around angrily.

Cassiel looks at him concerned and afraid to ask."What is he going to do to her?" Camden looks at him with sad and frustrated eyes before he has to look away."He's going to punish her for her crimes against the Tribe." he says regrettably and Cassiel growls."Im not going to let him harm her." Camden looks at him."me either." "If I may interrupt? I can assist you for the time being until we save this friend of yours named laura." Celsa suggested.

Cassiel nodded and looked at Camden."It would mean more help in saving laura." he informs him and he nods."Alright. let's get going. We don't have very long till he goes through with his plans." Camden spats and then walks out.

The others follow and they soon leave the town and follow Camden who knew the way to his old tribe. Where he knew they would go through with what they had planned.

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