Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Pride and Beards"

With in the next 3 hours they reached the border that separates the werewolf territory from the dwarves,but Cassiel bumped into a traveler. It was a beardless dwarf "Where the hell is your beard" Meela asked.
You see a beard was a dwarves source of pride. They braided their beards. Dwarfs are chubby short creatures with so much fat a small dwarves shirt was a largexxxxx in size. Dwarfs always had ginger hair and green eyes. They were great miners and crafters.
"Where the hell are your manners" the dwarf asked."fuck my manners where is your beard!" Mella said back.
"If you had manners," Laura said "you'd tell us your name."
"Barumis" the dwarf said.
"Barumis- the- Idiotic-for-shaving-his-beard Barimus" Cassiel asked.
"What the hell do you think" the dwarf countered.
"Will you all shut the fuck up!" Laura shouted in a voice showing she meant business.
"Thank you" Meela shouted.
The dwarf was not pleased with being yelled at and flipped Meela off. But on the inside it was love at first site. "Sooooooo" Bariums said " May I travel with you, away from this hell hole"
he asked this because of Meela who he thought was HOT with a capital H.
Laura agreed as long as he kept his mouth shut. Cassiel was wary of him but agreed because he just wanted to agree with Laura. The elf was just plain pissed off at this choice, but she knew that if she didn't agree they wouldn't let her go with them so she nodded and didn't say anything. The dwarf nodded once in gratitude."So where we headed?" He asked because his curiosity always got the better of him.Laura shrugged"we don't know yet." She said and the dwarf rolled his eyes."Well can you figure it out because I would like to know where we are headed." The dwarf said slightly annoyed at the fact thy had no real destination.
"Where ever my heart takes me" Said Laura "Which might be my next meal."
The dwarf shuddered at the thought of traveling with a girl whom was such barbarian. But he thought Meela was really pretty.
"Well, anywhere might be better than this hellhole"
So the travelers continued along the road barley speaking, for fear of pissing each other off. as night fall came, soon the land the travelers, headed off the road to find a campsite.
Soon they found a small stream with a canopy of leaves to cover themselves from the rain.
"Well" said Cassiel "we might as well set up camp here, it is as beautiful as the moon"
Meela picked up on Cassiel hitting on Laura. "As beautiful as your pick-up line is." Meela whispers to Cassiel."We really should be focusing on the task at hand." She says meaning the journey."I know that but I can't help myself" Cassiel whispers back. "Well then we better get to work." Laura says as if obvious and started to set up stuff. Cassiel looked at her. He loved how she wasn't afraid to take charge."you heard her." A voice says from the tree tops. Laura looks around. She thought she knew that voice from somewhere but couldn't quite place it. Cassiel growled."Who's there?" He asks in a serious voice. Meela looked around frantically and bartamis looked around the trees for the suspect. After a minute of silence a man of Laura's age jumped from the tree top. His brown hair sparkled from the rain water in it as his blue eyes looked at laura. She looked at the man and after one second she knew who it was as her now one blue one green eyes lit up with recognition and smiled for the first time on there Journey."Camden?" She asks and the man nods."I missed you laura." He said sweetly. Cassiel looked back and forth between them and growled at the man called camden."Who are you?" He asks angrily. Camden looked at him and raised an eyebrow."Im camden. Laura's mate."

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