Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
"The Execution."

After a few hours Laura woke up in a dark place. It was cold and damp. She managed to stand up but when she walked forward a couple feet her hands felt like they were being burnt. She looked at her hands in the bit of light that illuminated the dark space, only to see that her hands were in some sort of cuff that connected to a chain in the wall.

She winced and sat down and held her hands so that the silver wasn't touching her hands. How did I get here? I don't remember getting thrown in jail. I don't even remember doing anything wrong,wait.

She began to remember what had happened before she woke up. I was watching Meela fight, I yelled at Camden and punched him, I stormed off and then I felt pain in my back.... WAIT!?!? She shot up and looked around slightly panicked and then heard a deep laughing voice that she knew very well. She growled and looked towards the laughter."Father." She spat out angrily.

"I was wondering when you would figure it out."
"why have you brought be here?"
"To pay for what you have done. You have betrayed not only me, but your tribe as well and for that you shall be punished."
She flinched slightly,because she knew all to well what that meant."you, you would do that to your own daughter?" He chuckles."you were disowned as my daughter,the moment you betrayed me, Laura." He spat out and Laura fell back onto her knees.

Then she remembered something."What about Matt? Is he okay? He better be okay." He laughed."Don't worry I won't harm him. he is my son after all." She growled."i want to see him."
"I think not." She looked at him through the cell door bars."You know better than anyone that every prisoner,no matter who, get one request before they are executed." She knew the rules well, because sadly she had dealt with so many of these things she was used to it.

Back when she was the one on the other side of the bars she would be laughing at whoever was in the cell, but now, she was the one being laughed at, and she didn't like it one bit. He sighed."Yes I believe you are correct. I'll bring him." He leaves with angry steps to go and get matt. Laura was relieved she would at least get to see her brother again. She never thought she would miss the little runt all that much.

She waited for a few minutes until a guard she knew by the name of Dreore walked in and pulled her to her feet."You have ten minutes." he says in his deep voice as he undoes the things on her hands and the walks out after putting Matt in the cell with her.

Matt looked at the door after it closed behind him then looked behind him and saw his big sister. He smiled wide and ran up and hugged her, even though he only went to her waist."Laura I've missed you so much!" He birdied his face into her stomach and cries from happiness. She smiled and bent down to his height and hugged him back."I Missed you too Matt." he cries onto her shoulder and smiled as he hugged his sister.

They stood like that for a minute, then Laura pulled back and wiped his tears before he spoke."Laura is it true? Did you b-betray father?" He was not able to believe it. He had always known his sister to be one of the most loyal, and honorable person he had ever known. She sighs and nods slowly."yes Matt it's true." He looks at her in disbelief.

"I made a new friend."
"The V-V-Vampire?"
"Yes, His name is Cassiel, and he is my friend."
"B-but I thought that all vampires were evil?"
"Not all of them. Listen to me Matt." She uses a softer voice as she sees she has his full attention.

"No matter what, I want you to promise me that you will always do what you feel is right. Not always what father or anyone else tells you. Don't believe what people tell you unless you know for a fact that it is true. Understood?" He looks her in the eyes and nods."I promise, I won't let you down sis." he smiled at he and she smiles and hugged him again."Thank you, Matt."

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