Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
"The Attempt"

Meela sighed as she pointed to a small fishing village called, Dubulk. It was right on Paradise Lake, and was surrounded by lush trees.
"Take in that lake air." Meela said.

Bartumis sniffed the air. "It smells like dead fish."
Laura laughed at the comment. "I'm starving and it's almost time for dinner, let's get something to eat." she said.

They walked into Dubulk, and saw market stands selling a variety I fish. "I want to look around the Market." Meela said.

"Well, I think I speak for all us, but I want to eat." Camden said.
"How about we meet up in the town square in a hour." Meela suggested.

The boys went to a tavern called Dwema's Mug. It was an authentic Dwarven Pub, according to Bartumis. And it served Dwarven beers and wines that could only be found in their underground city's.

Cassiel ordered a New Berry wine, with was a very fine wine that a blush and had a sweet and fruity flavor to it.
Camden got what Bartumis got, a Dwemer Mead bucket. Which was basically the best dwarf mead placed in a bucket, or wheel barrel.
After a few drink they were starting to get very drunk.

Laura and Meela strolled through the market which was filled with fish, sea weed salads and books. Laura stopped by a magic Stand and bought three spell tombs. Charm, Wind Caller and Furry.

Meela scoured the stands for celestial books but found none. In the end they bought spices, water skins, books and some new clothing that was made for easier travel.
The two stood in the town square. "Where are they?" Laura asked.

"Its been an Hour and a Half."
"Why don't we just get something to eat." Meela groaned.

So they stopped at a place called Fishermen's Rest, Quilty Food and Drink since the First Era. The first Era was two hundred years ago.
The two were greeted by the smell of cooking food. They walked over to a table and sat down waiting for a waiter. "Welcome to Fishermen's Rest, Quilty Food and Drink since the First Era."
She gave the two menus and waited till they had decided. "Sea weed Salad." Meela said.
"Grilled trout." Laura said handing the waiter the menus.

Meanwhile at Dwema's Mug

Bartumis was by far the drunkest person in the bar. He stood on one of the tables singing songs way off tune.

"Hey, Camden, I dare you to shave your eye brows!" Bartumis called finishing his third bucket of mead.

Camden nodded and pulled out his pocket knife and cut the hair in his eye brows. The people in the pub gave a hoot and laughed.

"Bartumis I dare you to... hump a pig!" Camden called.
Bartumis laughed. "Dare excepted."

A few whores were surrounding Cassiel flirting with him and he smiled leaning over and kissing a red head.

She giggled and began to drag him to a room when the doors burst open. Laura used the spell call of wind to bring it open. "Camden, Cassile, Bartuimes! Get over here!" Laura yelled furiously.

They came over and Laura dragged them Out of the pub by their ears. After reaching an inn Laura slapped Camden and Cassiel. Meela looked at Bartumis and threatened that she would make him grow a beard, which made him cringe and shake with fear at the thought.

Camden being horribly drunk tried to pull down Laura's shirt which caused Laura to punch him knocking him out.
"Cassiel, I'll hold her, you get her!" Bartumis cried tacking a hold of Laura.

Cassiel jumped forward and tried to pull down Laura's pants, but Meela kicked Cassiel in the Privates and Laura turned around and kicked Bartumis in the face.

"I can't believe those perverts." Laura growled angrily as she looked at the unconscious guys laying on the ground."Laura they were drunk out of their minds! They probably won't even remember what happened."
She sighs."Sometimes I hate them." Meela nods."Yeah guys are jerks when they are drunk."
"True that." Laura sighed again and waited for the sun to rise fully.

A bit after the guys woke up they complained about a head ache and they looked at the girls."What the hell happened last night? And why are we in so much pain?" Cassiel groans.

"I'm not saying because you guys are jerks and I won't be talking to any of you for the rest of the journey." Laura said with a huff as she turned and started walking before they could catch up.

They looked at Meela."Please explain what happened Meela. I don't want Laura mad at me." Camden whined."me either." Cassiel whined and Meela reluctantly explained what they tried to do.

"Shit. I can't believe we did that." Camden sighed."Well at least now I have a reason now of why she won't talk to us." they all nodded and then followed after Laura who was walking furiously through the town.

'There is no way I am speaking to them for a while.' Laura thought in her mind as she crossed her arms angrily and muttered stuff under her breath and everyone stayed a few meters away from her in case she got Angry.

The small group continued walking on their way to the next town.

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