Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
"The Elves"

"Do I know you" the elf asked.
Like a dope Cassiel stared at the elf. She was tall 5'4, with eyes that were as silver as the moon. Her hair was a glowing white blonde hair. Her hair had silver highlights In it. "Oh it's you that vampire." she said

"The one and only Cassiel Vandergaurd, son of Count Dracula's brother Drethmore Vandergaurd the vampire advisor" he said proudly.

Laura who was standing quietly piped in. "The Drethmore, your kidding me. Drethmore the sole sucker?!?. You're a true vampire? Born not bitten?" She said exasperated.
"Well I'm elven royalty. Princess Trathmeelea, but call me Meela." The elf said.
"Well Meela, why are you on our land, it belongs to the werewolves." Laura asked curious as to why a royal was in her territory.
"My father wants me to marry the leader of our army, General Theseo. I have no interest in him I loved an elven boy named Weso Adomorea. Weso was killed by my father as a lesson to me about responsibility. I have never forgiven him for his heartless acts. He told me I was to marry Theseo on my 278th birthday, in 3 days. If I can get to the Dwarves by tomorrow I will be safe for as long as I live." She said with sadness in her eyes. "And how long do you live?" Laura asked out of curiosity. "Forever." she spoke calmly.
"We were heading that direction. We will join you We can all be safe" Cassiel piped "I will never marry Ethel!"
Cassiel says and then covers his mouth because he didn't want them to know about Ethel just yet. Lucky for him they didn't hear him so he sighed in relief. Then They all set off unaware of the dangers ahead of them ...

Picture on the left of Meela's outfit

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