Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"The Capture?"

Laura dragged the vampire to her tribe. It was going to take sometime seeing that she couldn't run with him in her claws,but at least he only struggled A little, nothing she couldn't handle. It will take about 4 hours walking. Laura thought as she squeezed tighter on the vampires arm when he started to struggle away again. "Why were you in our borders? I thought your kind was extinct." Laura asked Cassiel with pure hatred in her voice. "Why should I tell you werewolf"? Cassiel said the last word with extreme distaste clear in his voice. "Because if you don't I will rip your arm off. Then it will be hard for you to hunt,you won't survive long like that." Laura said back,knowing that she had no problem fulfilling that threat. Cassiel hated being threatened, so he looked at the werewolf for the first time and was left breathless at what he saw. A girl no older than 20 years like him with Long Silvery white hair about halfway down her back, Eyes as red as blood, with thick muscles tuning all along her arm from her shoulders to her wrists. I thought all werewolves looked like monsters, but she looks like a goddess! Cassiel thought to himself then asked with no hatred evident in his voice,"What's your name?" Laura looked at Cassiel with distaste evident in her eyes,that quickly turned to curiosity when she realized they were walking in the sun and he was still alive. Laura thought about ignoring him but then answered trying to keep a strong face without showing the shock of what she had just discovered."Laura, Laura Destiny Wolf the next cheiftess of all the werewolf tribes,now would you mind telling me why you can be in the sun and NOT be dead?" She asked a little harsher than she wanted it to sound, but ignored it when he answered." That's simple." He said with a smile."Some vampires have a special gift, mine is walking through sunlight and not being burnt to a crisp." Laura thought about this new information for a moment then looked at him again and asked,"Ok now tell me your name?"She wanted to know because she seemed fascinated by his features,he had glorious hazel eyes with dirty blond hair, which came to about the end of his neck, he was tan,almost an olive color. He was about 5'4, which was short for a vampire. He had high cheek bones making for the perfect sculpted heroic face. In other words handsome. After a moments pause Cassiel answered "My name is Cassiel." He said with a smile."Can I ask you a question?" He wanted to know more about her, because every time he looked at her, feelings he never had surfaced in his heart.What is wrong with me? Why do I have these feelings for the enemy? Cassiel thought confused at these emotions he had for someone he should not care for. "What is it?" Laura asked, with slight curiosity in her voice and still some distaste in her eyes. "Wh-" he was about to speak when they heard a howl not to far away. He had fear in his eyes but when he looked at Laura's eyes he saw love and a smile appeared that brightened up her whole face,and her blood red eyes turned the same color of her hair, a bright vibrant silver. After a moment Laura spoke,"Destiny what are you doing here? I told you I would look for you when I'm done." Not hearing anyone speak he thought she was imagining things, then out of the bush came a magnificent female white wolf, no older than 3 years of age. First there was a look of love in her eyes when she looked at Laura,but then her gaze shifted to Cassiel and her protective animal nature kicked in and she she growled loudly at him. He stared at the wolf with slight fear evident in his eyes,then Cassiel heard Laura say something to the wolf, "Destiny it's ok I got this covered. Go back to your cave and I promise I'll be there in a few hours." The female wolf hesitated for a moment then,slowly nodded and ran back into the woods, but not without another look over her shoulder, to make sure her human friend was ok. After another nod from Laura ,she disappeared into the forest. "So... where are you dragging me?" Cassiel asked braking the silence after a few moments pause when they started off again. "Back to my tribe,where else?" She said with annoyance in her voice. "Why?" Cassiel asked with pure curiosity in his voice. "Becasue you crossed my tribes borders. Now shut up so I can concentrate on not getting us lost!" After she said that no words were exchanged the for the rest of the trip.
4 hours later they arrived at Laura's tribe where Cassiel was immediately put into a cell, waiting for them to question him.Then an old man with a braided beard and a forest green robe. "I am keeper Lucius." and he did a greeting where he put a fist on his heart then pulled his hand out and opened his fist. Then the chief walked in and did the same gesture. They asked him basic questions like what are you doing here? And Where are the others?Other than the questions were weird.
After an hour of questioning, Cassiel was put in a cell until further notice. when the guard changed Cassiel was surprised when the guard was Laura. "Hey!" Cassiel said to Laura in a happy mood. "Hi" she said annoyed because she had to stay serious ba cause she was on guard duty. After about 10 mins of him bugging her she gave in and they talked for an hour. "I feel really bad about the whole arranged marriage thing." "it's ok." he said with a smile. Suddenly she opened the cell door. and let him go out of pity. he thanked her and with great reluctance ran fast and far. After an hour he realized he was being followed and when he looked back, he saw Laura a half mile away. She quickly ran up to him and said "Hey". He looked confused. "Why are you here?" He looked at her with pure confusion in his eyes. "I was worried about my father finding out and the disappointment I didn't want to see in his eyes. So I ran away and found your scent so I decided to catch up with you. Problem?" she asked raising an eyebrow daring him to question her. "No problem, I was just wondering." he said honestly. "So..." she said braking the silenced. "where to?" He smiled and said "Anywhere but here and my lands." soon after running towards the mountains Cassiel ran into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry." a feminine voice like the twinkling of belles spoke. "He looked at her and saw those familiar eyes and said. "Its you!"

Picture on the left of Destiny the wolf

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