Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The group walked until they reached the next village and they decided they would stay there and head out first thing in the morning. Laura was just hoping that the guys wouldn't get drunk again and she made them promise they wouldn't.

"I'm going to find a hotel." Laura said walking away to find a hotel."I'll find a place to eat." Camden walked to find a place to eat."I'll go with you." Bartimus kissed meela ,who then went to follow Laura, followed with Camden.

Cassiel on the other hand just sighed and went and sat on a bench and waited for everyone to be done with their tasks.'i messed up big time.' He put his face in his hands as he sat there sulking.'she probably hates me now.'

Just then Laura walked over to him."Hey Cassiel?" He looked at her."Yeah Laura?" She sat next to him."you wanna go and help me and meela find a place to stay so you don't have to be all alone?" He smiled and nodded."Yeah I would love to." she smiled and stood up."Then let's go." He stood up and followed Laura who found meela and the three of them went to find a hotel.

After a few Hours, Camden and Bartimus brought back everyone something to eat and Meela, Laura and Cassiel had found a place for them to stay."Awesome so let's eat and go to bed." Bartimus yawned and they all agreed so they went to a park where they sat in the grass and age their food.

Meela and Bartimus had salads while the other three had steaks. They ate their food in silence with Camden and Laura next to each other and the same with Bartimus and Meela. While Cassiel sat in between the two couples awkwardly. Laura Finished first and so she stood up."Im going to bed guys." She said as she threw her trash in a garbage bin."Oh alright I'll see you in a little but." She smiled at Camden."Alright. Night everyone." She waved to them as she walked to the hotel and they all waved back.

Cassiel finished after a minute and went to bed as well, and pretty soon everyone else went to their rooms. Camden went to where him and Laura were staying, Meela and Bartimus went to their room and Cassiel made sure to get a room away from the others.

Camden laid down next to an already half asleep Laura and he wrapped his arms around her. she turned around in his arms and cuddled into him which made him smile. He held her close to him and smiled as he kissed her head and then they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Meela and Bartimus also went to bed and they both passed right out on their bed because they were very tired. they had not slept in days because of some other stuff they did during the nights.

Cassiel laid in bed and stared at his ceiling for hours just thinking about many things.'i can't believe myself. all I want is to be with her, but i can't. Why did I have to fall for her in the first place? She's a werewolf and I'm a Vampire. Even if she didn't have a mate, we could never be together.' He sighed mentally as he turned and fell asleep.
The next morning the group headed out of the town. They all had a bad feeling about leaving the town, like they should stay but they didn't have the time so they continued on their way. They walked for hours with Laura and Camden in the front of the group, Cassiel in the center and Meela and bartimus in the back of he group.

Laura heard a rustling in the bushes and stopped."Everyone be quiet." She looked around as everyone else stopped and looked around. Nothing could be heard in the silence. Only to Laura who heard light but fast footsteps all a round them. She looked around with her eyes and then finally yelled."Get down!" At which everyone dived to the ground, narrowly dodging a Load of poison dipped arrows.

They all jumped back up and were surrounded by soldiers. A dark and harsh voice spoke within the silence as a man with a wicked smile stepped out of the bushes. "Well well well, if it isn't my favorite daughter Laura." She growled."I am not your daughter anymore, Ezra." He laughed and showed his face.

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