Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
"Disco Of Death"

Laura sat there in the tree staying vigilant in case any enemies appeared. She scanned the area and when she didn't hear or see anything she relaxed slightly, but when she did that. She could smell someone nearby with her heightens senses.

Her eyes went red as they did when she was threatened or sensed danger as she scanned the area. She couldn't smell anything but dirt and the forest as she blocked out the smells of the camp.

She quietly climbed down and out of the tree as she looked around carefully and snuck around the shadows to quietly wake the others up. she made sure that when they woke up she gave them each a signal to be quiet.

And as everyone exited their tents they were each hit in the back of the head with a club of some sorts made of strong oak wood.

Right before laura was hit she had managed to see the culprit, and she wasn't surprised at all by what or who it was."Minators" she whispers before she gets struck and her whole world goes black.
The sun was up by now and was beginning it's decent when laura began to regain consciousness. She groans a little from pain as she slowly opens her eyes to see blurry vision. after blinking a few times she was able to regain her vision and instantly looked around. She was in a cage. She tried to touch the bars but it burned her hand and she instantly pulled her hand back. Silver. she thought to herself as she looked around.

She noticed he moving scenery and gathered they were on the move. She thought over her situation and tried to remember what happened. 'Okay so I was on first watch, I heard a noise, a got down and warned the others, wait, where are the others!?!' She snapped into reality when she couldn't see the others anywhere and frantically looked around outside the bars.

She looked back and saw camden and Cassiel in one cell cart like she was in together and she breathed out in relief. Then she looked forward and saw Bartimus in one in front of her and Meela was in the one in front of him. They were all still unconcious.

She took a deep breath as her eyes went from red to her normal one blue one green. She scanned the area and tried to see if she could tell where they were.

It would be easier if laura could smell anything but when she got knocked out her nose got hit on the fall and all she can smell is blood. Her blood.

Laura scanned the cage she was in and noticed it was big enough for her to be able to scotch around slightly but she knew not to get close to the bars. She needed all her strength to be able to fight for her freedom when they take them out of the cages.

She heard a groan of pain and noticed Cassiel was beginning to wake up. She looked that way and was so happy someone was awake she touches the bars and the skin on her hands burned as she pulled back fast."Ouch" she said to herself as she looked at Cassiel, who smelling Laura's burnt flesh, immediately woke right up and looked over at her.

"Laura are you alright?" Cassiel asked worriedly as he looks over at laura, not noticing the bars or where they were. Laura winces,"yes im fine Cassiel, the better question is are you?" She asks looking away from her hand at him. He smiled at the fact she was alright, even though he could smell the blood in her nose he knew that that wasn't important so he didn't bring it up."Yes I'll be alright. Do you know what happened?" He asks finally noticing the bars as he looked around him.

She sighs."we were knocked out in the middle of the night by Minator's." She said regretfully and he nodded."Alright, hey and don't worry we will et out of this." he said with a faint reassuring smile on his face.

She looked at him and nodded."your right." after a few minutes the others woke up. It took all of Cassiel's will power not to knock camden back out which earned him a glare from meela. laura explained to everyone what happened and after a few more hours of everyone but laura and camden trying to futilely escape, they reached their destination.

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