Chapter 2

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Dinah's P.O.V

I sat in the passenger seat as Camila drove very fast towards the destination put into our GPS system.

"So his wife and children are missing and he's sending us to go get them? He's the police officer, we're just the detectives. This really isn't our job." I said, pushing myself into the seat a little more.

Camila shrugged and continued to focus on the road ahead of us. "I do admit that it is a little weird, but the quicker we retrieve them, the quicker the case will be over with." It was silent for a couple of minutes before she spoke again. "Do me a favor DJ, call in and ask about our backup. We don't want to arrive on a dangerous scene alone."

I took out my business phone and used speed dial to call into the authorites. "Detective Hansen here. We would like an update on our backup."

There was a long pause before a voice spoke. "Officer Collins is in charge of your backup and he is busy at the moment. Call back later." The woman's voice hung up and I stared at the phone in disbelief.

"Unbelievable." I said, shaking my head and putting the small phone away.

"What?" Camila asked.

"There is no update on our backup. Collins is busy so I couldn't even talk to him."

Camila sucked her teeth as we arrived at a large old building with multiple windows. It looked abandoned and I had to check the address again to make sure that we were in the right place. The noon sun sat directly over us in the sky and the spring wind softly blew the large trees.

Camila pulled over to the side of the road. "So what do we do? Wait for the backup or take initiative?" She questioned, putting the car in park.

I thought long and hard. Places like this could be a set up or something else and considering that Camila and I only had our small pistols and our cellphones, we weren't really equipped to do it.

But before she could stop me and come up with other excuses as to why we shouldn't, I hopped out of the car and made my way towards the fragile building.

"Dinah Jane Hansen!" She yelled in my direction and I chuckled at my best friend. She was better with the less physical stuff- technology was more her thing. I knew she was scared but I had to teach her how to go out of her comfort zone.

The grass was really high and dry. It was hard to find the walkway that lead to the front door, but I finally did. I was halfway to it when I heard Camila running up behind me.

"I'm really going to get Collins for not sending us any backup like he said he would." She said, pushing herself onto me so that we walked side by side.

"I'm glad that Ally is still going to work on this case with us. We'd be better off solving it with her rather than him." I replied, annoyed myself.

We finally made it to the front door and I pulled out my gun. I motioned Camila to do the same thing and she did. Together we began scanning the premises, making sure that no suprises would pop out on us.

When it was clear enough, I kicked the old door and it fell down with ease.

"Police!" I called out.

That was the protocol- when arriving on a scene it is your responsibility to address yourself.

There was no sound and Camila and I shared a confused look. Suprisingly, she stepped in front of me and called out Lynn's name. "Lynn!"

"Help!" A small girl's voice came from up the stairs.

My head shot up abruptly and I took off like a rocket. Even though the stairs were old and worn, I bounded up them not stopping once.

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