Chapter 22

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Oh look who's updating this story again. ;) I'm going to keep updating until I finish it for you guys.

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Chapter 22

Dinah's P.O.V

The small plane's door opened and a rough wind came seeping in. We all rushed out of the plane and into the nearest SUV, which was being driven by a U.S Marshal.

After Lillian disclosed to us where Fabian could be with the girls, we were ordered by Ally to leave immediately.

Once we were all in, the U.S Marshal put on his lights and sped through the streets of Texas.

"We've shut down all entrance to Mexico. I have some of my finest searching every vehicle trying to enter." the man said.

"Thank you," I replied. "we just hope that he hasn't already crossed the border. He's been driving for almost two days, so he could be there by now."

"Well we have wanted signs up for him all over. We handed some out to civilians as well as officials."

"Plus his face is plastered all over the news." Camila said, flashing me with the screen on her phone. It showed a mugshot of Fabian from a few years ago. As soon as I saw his face, anger strolled through me all over again.

What made a person go out and kidnap? Abuse? Kill? By now, I was debating on whether to lock him up in prison or a psych ward.

"Just got a text from Ally. She said that Fabian's getaway car was just spotted in the crowd of cars, but he isn't inside and neither are Avia and Lynn." Lauren informed us.

"Great," Normani mumbled sarcastically.

"Hey," I snapped. "At least we know that they were there."

I ignored the looks I recieved and put my head in my hands. Out of all the cases I had to deal with in my entire career, none of them had ever been this complex. And I'd never grown this close to the victims. It literally hurt.

"Here we are," the U.S Marshal announced as he put the car in park. "This is as close as we can get in the vehicle. We'll have to travel the rest of the way on foot."
I glanced out of the window and saw thousands of cars all lined up to get into Mexico. My mind couldn't help but wonder if Fabian was the only criminal trying to escape.

Most of our work was done in New York, so we rarely traveled so far south. But I figured that in my career's future, I'd might like to bring more justice to the victims who deserved it and work by the border so I could catch on the run criminals.

I opened the door and climbed out. There were four rows of cars, one for each of us to inspect. I saw other officials, some dressed in police uniforms, some with U.S Marshals badges, and others in long peacots opening trunks and searching vehicles.

"I'll take the far left, Lauren you take the second left, Dinah you get the third row, and Camila you get the far right." Normani ordered.

We all went out separate ways and I joined a group of men searching the vehicles.

"Ma'am, are you authorized to do this? Can I get some identification?" One with a strong, country accent asked me.

I reached into my pocket and showed him my badge. "I'm Dinah-Jane Hansen. I'm a detective with the NYPD. This is our case."

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