Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dinah's P.O.V

"So, you're telling me that the guy Lauren went out on a date with is really a pyscho?" Normani questioned, clearly in anger over the whole situation.

Lauren stood as Camila questioned Valerie and Lillian's father, but she kept looking over the top of their heads to look at Normani.

"It's not that serious. She could've just been playing her role." I assured, but she wasn't having it.

"She wasn't just playing her role when she got all googly-eyed over him."

I smirked to myself. Normani sounded like a jealous teenager right now, but I knew if it was my partner, especially the fact that my partner was Camila, I would be the same way.

"I'm hungry."

I spun around when Lynn's voice filled the room. The air froze still and the child stood at the hospital room door with big eyes.

Zachary O'Brien stood to his feet abruptly.

"Is that my grand-daughter that I hear?!"

It was at that moment that Lynn went running for him. I jumped to my feet to grab her right in time. She fought against me with hot tears falling down her face. "Let me go! I want to see my grandpa!" She cried.

"You can't do that, Lynn. You're in protective custody meaning you can't have any contact with anyone in your family until we make sure everything is safe." I whispered into her ear.

Zachary's yell filled the entire hallway and made us get some looks from a lot of people. "That is complete bull! I am her grandfather and I have the right to have custody of her! Where is Lynn?"

It was at that moment that Lynn stopped moving in my arms. She stood completely still and her tears were no longer because of frustration, but instead of sadness.

"I am Lynn, Grandpa."

A look took over Zachary's face and I could tell that he felt bad about not recognizing the voice of his own kin.

"That's enough sir. Take a seat so that we can finish the interrogation." Camila told him sternly. Normani walked over and grabbed his arm to help lead him back to the chair.

Lynn cradled into me and I could hear her soft cries. Poor child- she never got any fair treatment from her family.

"Excuse me, Miss O'Brien would like to talk to Detective Hansen and Detective Jauregui." A nurse's voice spoke after about five minutes.

I turned to face her and raised an eyebrow, "Me? She doesn't even know me. Are you sure that she didn't mistake me for Detective Kordei?"

The nurse shrugged her shoulders, "She specifically said your name and Detective Jauregui's."

I nodded slowly and was about to put Lynn down when Camila's cough caught my attention. I looked to her and read her lips. 'Take Lynn with you. See what type of reaction there is.'

I nodded once again and pulled Lynn closer to me.

"I'm about to see my real mom, aren't I?" She asked me in her soft voice. I took a long deep sigh before answering.

"Yes, but just tell me whenever you feel uncomfortable because I will take you right out of there, got it?"

"Got it."

Lauren took one last look at Avia through the window before taking off down the hall with Lynn and I following close behind. The room wasn't that far away, so it didn't take much to get there. Lauren glanced back at me before knocking and entering and I gave her a slight nod.

The room was dark and there were a lot of machines beeping. Valerie laid on the bed with a look of slight pain plastered across her face. I could feel Lynn tense up against me, but she didn't make it that obvious.

"Hi Valerie. I am Detective Jauregui and this-" Lauren was cut off.

"I know who you are. I asked for you."

I gently put Lynn down and grabbed her hand tightly in my own- making sure that she could still signal me whenever she was ready to go.

"What made you ask for us?" I interrogated, curious to know.

Valerie sat up as far as she could and her eyes drew to Lynn. "I need to tell you something about her."

Lauren placed her hands on her hips and bit her lip. "Well as of right now, what we know is that Lynn is your biological child with a police officer by the name of Fabian Lee-"

This time, Lauren stopped herself from continuing on because Valerie began to shake. "Fabian is NOT a real police officer. He pulled some ties with Xavier to get that job! Xavier was AFRAID of Fabian."

Suprisingly it was Lynn that piped up this time, "Why was he afraid?"

Something in Valerie's eyes softened, but she still answered the question. "Back in high school, Fabian was head over heels for Lillian. They dated for a while until Lillian broke up with him for the quarterback, Xavier. So of course in order to pay for what she did, Lillian hooked me up with Fabian. He hated me for the longest and abused me because I wasn't my sister, but he stayed with me because I was a reminder of her. He was extremely angry with Xavier. He used to send him death threats and everything. After a while, they came to some type of agreement, but Lillian nor I was ever told what it was."

Lynn slowly but surely walked forward as Lauren and I took in all of the information. "Does Bianlee hit you like my daddy used to hit me?"

Tears grew in Valerie's eyes as she nodded her head. Who was Bianlee? Another name for Fabian?

"I'm so sorry." Lynn said softly. She wrapped her arms around her real mother. I knew right then and there that the child was special. Valerie's embrace was soft at first, but then it grew tighter as she grew more emotional.

"I'm so sorry, but we have to go and get back to work. Lynn is required to stay in our custody." Lauren spoke. Valerie nodded and unwrapped her arms from around the girl.

"Bye." Lynn said with a slight smile. She spun to walk out with Lauren and I followed behind them.

"Detective Hansen wait! I didn't get to tell you what I need to tell you about Lynn!" Valerie's voice came.

Lauren gave me a look, but she continued on walking understandingly with Lynn next to her. I turned to face Valerie again.

"This- this was just a warning. I can't put my sister's only child in danger anymore. Fabian, he wants revenge and he won't stop until he gets it. After I'm healed, I need to get out of the country. I don't think I will ever come back. I saw the way you helped my baby and I think you're the only person capable of keeping her safe. Could you protect her for me? If you ever find my sister, tell her that I'm sorry."

I nodded my head slowly. "I will protect her."

Valerie sighed, "And one more thing- your boss? Sergeant Hernandez? She's with Fabian right now and I can guarantee you that she is not safe."

My eyes grew wide and I reached for my phone immediately. "NYPD? We have a problem! The leading detective in the Harmonized Unit is currently in a dangerous situation! A false officer by the name of Fabian Lee needs to be found and arrested RIGHT AWAY!" I yelled as I ran down the halls of the hospital.

I got to the room where Lauren, Normani, and Camila now sat with Avia on the bed and raised my hand. "We need to find Ally- she's in trouble."

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