Chapter 7

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Normani's P.O.V

"I don't see who would bust the window of your car, Lauren. " I said with both of my hands on the steering wheel in my Buick Lacrosse.

"Somebody's obviously pissed, Mani. I don't want to talk about it anymore though, I just want to go home and go to bed. I'm actually quite over today." She replied, looking out of the passenger window.

I stayed silent as I came to a red light. Lauren was one of the most private people I knew, there was no way of telling how she felt about the situation.

"Lauren, I don't want you driving your own car until this whole investigation is over." I told her with all of the seriousness in my heart.

"Normani, I don't need you telling me what to do. I'm a big girl, I can handle one little threat."

Once the light turned green, I inched the car forward, ignoring Lauren's statement. She always tried to play the tough act, but as her partner I knew her much better than that. Sure, she barely let stuff affect her and in the five years of us working together, I'd only seen her cry once, but just the way she could read body language like she could made me realize there was much more complexity to her.

I pulled up to her apartment complex, not saying another word. As I put the car in park, I watched her gather her purse and her other belongings with an annoyed look on her face. Before she climbed out, she finally spoke.

"I'm going to be fine, you know that." She told me, her green eyes staring into my brown ones.

"Give me a hug." I demanded, unbuckling my seatbelt and leaning over. She looked at me in a weird way, but finally leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me. "You call me if you need anything- you know I'm only right down the street." I whispered into her ear.

"Thanks, Mani. I'll see you in the morning." She replied, unbuckling her own seatbelt and exiting the vehicle. As she closed the door behind her, she gave me one last smile. I waved and after making sure she was safely inside, I pulled off.

About eight minutes later, I arrived at my condo and the first thing that I noticed was that all of the lights were on. I never left any of my lights on, simply because of the fact that I worked basically all day long and I didn't want my electricity bill soaring higher than the sky.

I quickly shut the engine off and hopped out, running towards the front door. That's when I noticed that the door was halfway open. I reached onto my belt and wrapped my fingers around my gun.

"Who's there?" I called out, slowly stepping onto my wooden floors.

There was no sound and once I entered the main hallway, I saw pictures of my mom, my friends, my cousins, and I were sprawled all over the floor instead of the wall like they should have been.

"Who's there?!" I called out again in anger.

There was a noise from upstairs and without giving it a second thought, I bounded up the stairs.

I rounded the corner, the gun clutched tightly in my sweaty palms. I did a perimeter check on the bathroom and the computer room. There was no one.

As I made my way to my bedroom, I realized that there was only one person that could be responsible for all of this. One person had our addresses, our license plate numbers, and private information besides Ally and that was Officer Collins because he was temporarily filling in for Ally's boss.

I cursed him silently as I opened the door to my room.

I froze at what I saw.

The covers on my queen sized bed were no longer pure white, but instead a dark red. The smell of the room was horribly unsatisfying and there was a body on the bed.

I put my gun on the back of my holder and rushed towards the person. When I approached their face, I noticed it was Officer Collins. I gasped and reached forward to feel for a pulse.


He was dead.

I had just seen him no more than thirty minutes ago. I felt extremely bad because I went off on him and blamed him for something that I knew nothing about. Now, he was nothing but an ice cold body on my bed.

Wait, why had he been murdered in my house?

Somebody was trying to set me up.

I felt my heartbeat speed up as I rushed towards my stairwell. I had to wash the blood off of my hands. I had to get out of there before someone found me! I needed to call someone, but who?

Just as I made it to my kitchen and put my hands on the sink, my phone began vibrating in my pocket. I froze, not wanting to look on the screen to see who it was. But I knew I had to do it.

I reached into it and grabbed the small, electronic device. The caller I.D read Camila's name.

"Mila, I have to tell you something!" I answered, gasping for breath.

"Normani, Dinah is in trouble. I just stopped by her house because she left her purse at work. I found her knocked out in her kitchen. She has a big gash on her forehead and I need help taking her to the hospital. The ambulance is going to take too long."

I shook my head in disbelief. Even though I was worried about Dinah, I couldn't help but think about the dead man lying in my bed.

"Mani?" Camila snapped me back into reality.

"Y-yeah. I'm on my way."

I hung the phone up and went to the counter to grab my keys. After I walked out of the house, I closed the door to the same width that I had found it so that it still remained an "untouched" crime scene.

"Detective Normani Kordei?"

I spun around to see a man in a police uniform. He looked highly annoyed with drowsy grey eyes and matching hair.

"Can I help you?" I questioned.

It was that moment that he reached forward and grabbed me forcefully. When I heard him reach for his handcuffs, I knew that it was REALLY a set up.

"Detective Kordei, you're under arrest for the murder of Officer Xavier Collins. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

As he continued on and lead me to his car, I thought about just how crazy the day was and who the real psycho was behind all of this.

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