Chapter 8

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I've been busy and kind of lazy lately. :P But I promise I'll work on getting better! I'm also going to start doing QOTC (Question Of The Chapter) so I can get to know my readers better!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all! -Monie

QOTC: If you got a chance to go on a vacation with ONE of the girls from 5H, who would it be and to where?

My answer: Dinah and to the Bahamas. :P

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Camila's P.O.V

"What? You're in jail? I thought something else happened, like you got called into work or something. Why though? What happened?" I questioned Normani from my personal cell phone in the hallway of Lenox Hill Hospital.

I heard a long sigh and then a whisper into the other end of the phone, "Somebody murdered Collins and they set me up."

I gasped and placed my free hand (which was my right) over my mouth.

Officer Collins had been murdered?

Before I could ask anymore questions, I heard the voice of Dinah's doctor, "Detective, your partner is awake now. You may get her statement."

I spun to face the large man with huge nerd glasses and gave him a slight smile. 'Thank you' I mouthed silently. He gave a nod of his head before taking off down the hallway.

"Mani, don't call Ally because it may startle Lynn and Avia. Lauren's car is in the shop too isn't it? So, she can't come and get you. I'll be there as soon as I possibly can."

With that, I hung up the phone and rushed towards Dinah's room. When I entered, I saw that her eyes were really open.

"Morning sunshine." I said as I neared her bed.

Dinah looked up at me and groaned. "My head hurts so freaking bad."

I took a seat at the end of the bed and set a hand on her right leg. "Dinah, who did this to you?" I interrogated.

She looked up at me after a few seconds and bit her lip. "I'm-I'm not sure."

I looked deep into her eyes and saw that she wasn't telling the truth about something, I just needed to know what.

"Don't you lie to me, Dinah Jane."

Dinah shifted and put her fist to her forehead. "I reached into the refrigerator to get a snack and next I  know, a woman and a man were standing in my kitchen and they kept asking me where the girls were. I figured Collins sent them, so I didn't answer."

"Collins is dead. Someone murdered him in Normani's house and she's in jail as we speak."

Dinah's eyes grew wide and she began to rub her forehead in frustration. "This has been one of the craziest twenty four hours I've experienced." She said.

I nodded my head in agreement. "The doctor told me that you're free to leave today, but you can stay for as long as you'd like. So, if you feel like you need to get some more rest, you can. I have to go get Normani, pick up Lauren, and go to Ally's house." I informed her.

"Girl, no I'm going with you. You know we roll together as a team. Go and get the doctor and tell him that I'm ready to go." She replied immediately.

I smirked to myself as I turned to leave the room. Before I made it out, I spun to face Dinah once again.

"I'm glad you're okay. You really had me scared for a second." I said, sheepishly.

She gave me a wide smile and made a pouty face, "Camila Cabello loves me!" She joked, laughing at herself. I laughed along with her before going to retrieve the doctor.


Dinah, Normani, and I sat in my vehicle as we waited for Lauren to come out her apartment. It was awkwardly quiet, except for Lay You Down by Sam Smith playing at a minimum volume on the radio.

The silence was broken by Dinah sitting upright in the passenger seat and adjusting her seatbelt, "There's Lauren."

Sooner than later, Lauren opened the right rear door and took a seat inside. She didn't even greet us first, but instead got straight to the series of unfourtanate events. 

"So let me get this straight, after we left work last night, somebody shattered my car window, broke into Dinah's house and knocked her out, murdered Collins, and set Normani up for it? What the heck is going on?"

As I backed out of her driveway, I felt my heart speed up. I was the only one who didn't have something done to them the previous night and quite honestly I didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"Somebody is playing games with us and as of right now, we have no idea who. I mean, we have two little girls in our custody who's father's been murdered and mother's been kidnapped. Not to make assumptions, but whoever is behind this seems to have a big vendetta against the Collins family." I spoke, my hands gripped on the steering wheel.

"I agree, I mean they could be targeting the girls through us." Dinah added.

I waited for a minute to see if Normani was going to say anything, but she didn't answer. I looked in my mirror to see Lauren nudge her and rub her fingers with her own.

"Hold on, Officer Collins' sister in-law said she had two kids at home when we arrested her. Where the heck are they and where the heck is she?" Normani said suddenly as if she'd been thinking the whole time.

I leaned forward and began working on my advanced police computer and put the name Valerie O'Brien into the search tab.

There was a long police record under her name, but no records of children or any spouses.

"Why would she say she had two kids at home if according to our records, she doesn't even have kids?" I asked aloud.

"So she's a liar. Liars, kidnappers, and murderers usually fall under the same category." Lauren informed us all. I chuckled a bit under my breath as the car continued to roll along.

"We need to ask Avia and Lynn about this Valerie woman. We also should run some DNA tests just to make sure that we have all of our information together." Dinah said. We all agreed.

About thirty minutes later, we pulled up at Ally's large house and stepped out of the car. I walked in front of the group, so I reached the door first. I looked around before knocking, just to make sure no one was watching us. When the coast was clear, I gently knocked and soon Ally appeared in front of me.

"Good, y'all are here. I have something important to tell you." She said as she stood aside to let us all in.

"We have something to talk to you about too. We think we should give Avia and Lynn DNA testing and questioning about Valerie O'Brien." A still ticked off Normani said.

Ally threw her hands up after she closed the door and her voice lowered to a whisper, "Already done. I had a bad feeling about that woman ever since Officer Lee told me that she'd escaped with Officer Collins. By the way, I don't know if you all know this or not, but he was found dead by the lake this morning."

This made Dinah, Lauren, and I jump as we looked to Normani. She said that Collins had been murdered in her house and being a detective, I knew she didn't touch or attempt to move him. So who did?

I was about to open my mouth to mention the whole set up with Normani to Ally, but I was stopped by Normani's elbow in my side. It really wasn't my place to tell.

"What do you have to tell us, Ally?" Dinah questioned with her hands on her hips.

"Turns out, Avia and Lynn aren't full blood sisters. Avia is Xavier and Lillian Collins' daughter for a fact. But Lynn on the other hand... Well it's been confirmed that her birth mother is Valerie O'brien."

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