Chapter 18

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I am so SORRY for the long wait. I had finals last week so that kept me VERY busy and also DUH DUH DUH DUHHHHH! I've been working on a new 5H fanfiction and some other stories of mine.

I hope you guys aren't too upset because now that it is summer, I will have much more time to write AND I can write more than one story! :) I'll be uploading the first chapter of my new story very soon. I think you'll enjoy! Love y'all! -Monie

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Chapter 18

Normani's P.O.V

"The vehicle is parked outside of the rental home right now. It is a green Ford Explorer. We have a team surrounding the building and we're about to enter." The police officer said into his walkie talkie. After placing it back onto his belt, he looked at Dinah, Lauren, and I and nodded his head.

The plan was for three of the officers to rush inside and go straight for Fabian; the others would stand outside just in case he tried to make an escape. Lauren, Dinah, and I would go to rescue Ally.

After nodding back at him and gripping our weapons, the officer knocked down the door and shouted, "Police!"

We all stepped in and separated right away to check the perimeter. In my heart, I hoped that we would find anybody just so that we could end the crazy case but my hopes were crushed very quickly when everyone called out, "Clear!"

Lauren cursed under her breath and Dinah and I began checking out the bedroom with her.

"There doesn't look like there was any sign of force," Lauren said, "but Ally definitely was here."

"That bastard." I added, throwing back the covers and finding Ally's prepaid cell phone.

I began to hear a vibration and I looked over to see that it was Dinah's phone. She bit her lip as she read the screen. "It's Camila." She announced, sliding her finger to answer the call. "Hello?"

As she walked off to talk to her partner, Lauren moved closer to me. "This is ridiculous. Who knows what Ally is going through right now."

"Do you want to see, detectives?"

We both tensed up at the same time but spun around with our weapons raised when we heard Fabian's voice.

"In here!" I shouted as I began to check all over.

"Freeze!" The police ordered as they barged into the bedroom.

We heard some laughing and we continued to look around for the man. There was no sign of him which made me wonder how in the world he was speaking to us.

"You fools... Check in the top left drawer." His voice came again.

Lauren and I shared an annoyed look as one of the policemen went to open the drawer. We watched with so much intensity that we didn't even notice Dinah reappear in the room.

"It's an Iphone," The policeman said with a snarl. He looked as if he wanted to break it, but he knew that keeping it might possibly save someone's life.

"What's on the screen?" Dinah asked as she walked closer to him to get a better look. Once she reached him, her mouth dropped open. "Oh my gosh, Mani, Lauren, come and see this!"

We both hurried over and once we reached the small screen, the same expression drew on our face.

"Ally?" I called out, "Lillian?"

They both responded with moans and groans. It was then that I noticed the blood on their faces and how messed up their hair was.

"Dinah, have Camila track it down now." Lauren ordered, clearly angry.

Dinah reached for her phone, but was stopped when Fabian chuckled again. "No can do fools. I messed with the system a bit, so you can't trace me."

I stared at him extra hard. "So why'd you call us, Fabian?"

He laughed even harder and leaned back in his chair with his hands over his head. "I want my daughter. Let me get my Lynn back and I'll let Lillian AND your beloved Ally here go."

Dinah sighed and put her hand to her head, "You know that we cannot do that. Lynn is in OUR custody and considering you're now wanted for kidnapping, vandalism, fraud, assault, and murder, I'm pretty sure you'll never get your daughter back."

Fabian's face grew dark red and my heart sped up. I was unaware of who he would take his anger out on, so I spoke faster than I should have.

"How about this? I let you see Lynn and have the court give you some legal rights to her, and you give me Lillian and Ally. Lillian needs to see a doctor and Ally is pregnant. Please..."

The screen grew black and I looked around out of anxiety. Lauren gave me an "I can't believe you just said that" look and Dinah glared at me with evil eyes.

The screen grew bright again and only Fabian was seen in the cut.

"Which one of you is closest to my daughter?" He asked with a certain depth in his voice.

I was about to lie and say myself, but Dinah stepped up unashamedly. "That would be me."

Fabian nodded his head and looked at Dinah as if he could see her soul.

After what seemed like forever, he spoke again. "You bring Lynn then and you come alone or I'll make sure you pay."

The room grew awkwardly silent. I wasn't planning on going through with it for real; I just planned on getting Ally and Lillian back. We all looked to Dinah to see what she would say.

"Let's do it. Tell me where to meet you."

All of our mouths dropped open.

"Your house. Eight o'clock tonight."

Dinah raised an eyebrow and moved closer to the screen. "How do you know where I stay? Were you the one who knocked me out the other night?"

Fabian chuckled and leaned forward like he was trying to get as close to Dinah's face as possible.

"I know where all of you stay. Welcome to my game, detectives."

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