Chapter 15

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QOTC: When's your birthday?

My answer: January 17th :-P

Enjoy! Sorry for the long wait! Haven't been feeling good lately and been trying to get my grades back up. I'll make sure I do better. - Monie


Camila's P.O.V

"I'm checking all of the security cameras right now to try and get footage of the car. If I can't get a view of a face, let's hope I get the license plate number." I spoke into the phone as I typed into my laptop.

I kept glancing over my shoulder to look on the couch and make sure that Lynn was still asleep. Dinah had went to the hospital and Lauren tagged along. If Lynn awoke, I had to make sure to tell her what happened to her sister as calmly as I could.

The security camera showed Normani and Valerie O'Brien bickering and standing almost chest to chest. As I slowed it down, I saw Avia slowly beginning to fall (she'd already been shot) before Normani attempted to shield her with her body. Valerie was hit right after Avia and she fell to the ground as well. 

As the vehicle drove by the camera, all I could make out was a Caucasian male with a black cap on that covered his eyes. There was no license plate on the dark green truck. I cursed under my breath and slammed my hand onto the table.

"What's wrong Camila?" I heard Dinah ask in my ear.

"No license plate and the bastard knew to keep his face covered." I answered.

It was at that moment that I heard a muffled voice in the background.

"What's going on?" I asked, worriedly.

"Mila, I'm gonna have to call you back." Was all that Dinah said before hanging up on me.

I tossed my phone down in frustration and placed my hands over my eyes to try and calm down.


I jumped and spun around when I heard Lynn's voice. She looked at me with her wide, hazel eyes.

"What's going on?" She asked me while pushing her messy hair out of her face.

I stood to my feet and walked over to the couch. I took a seat and wrapped my right arm around her tiny frame. "Now, what I'm about to tell you might be shocking, but I promise you that everything is going to be okay."

When she nodded, I took it as my cue to continue on.

"Normani and Avia had to make a pit stop at a gas station close by her house and your birth mother was there-" I was cut off before I could even get to the worst part.

"What did she do?" Lynn questioned, pushing herself up against me and grabbing my hand to run her small fingers across my knuckles.

I heaved a heavy sigh before answering her, "Valerie did nothing sweetheart; she and Avia were shot."

The sound of Lynn's gasp made my heart drop. I expected her to cry, but surprisingly she didn't. She instead stared off into space and I realized that was a regular habit for her.

"Are th-they ok-kay?" She spit out.

I pulled her back close to me and began to rub her hair. "The last thing I heard- they're both in surgery. I'm pretty sure they'll be fine. Don't worry, okay?"

All of a sudden, Lynn's voice changed to a whisper. "Camila, I know who might've done this."

I raised an eyebrow in curiousity, "You do?"

She shifted uncomfortably as she nodded. "A man named Bianlee. He kept telling my daddy that he owes a debt."

I nodded and bit my lip in thought. "Is there anything unusual that your daddy used to do?" I asked after a moment or two.

She bit her lip just like I did and "hmm"ed for a second. "When ever Bianlee used to come around, he would leave me, Avia, and our- well her mommy."

"What does Bianlee look like?"

"He's tall with black hair and he has brown eyes and a beard that goes all the way around his mouth. He- he watched my daddy hit me once and he- he laughed."

I listened angrily as her confidence became diminished and her voice ended in a barely audible whisper.

"I'm so sorry babe. Give me a hug." I changed the subject.

As Lynn leaned into me again, I kissed her forehead. A few moments later, my cell phone rang. I stood and grabbed it off of the table after giving Lynn a slight smile.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Mila, it's me." Normani's voice came, "Avia is out of surgery and she's doing fine. Valerie as well."

I rubbed my head in relief. "Okay, Lynn and I will be there as soon as possible."

I hung up the phone and spun to face the child on my couch. "C'mon babe, we're going to see your sister."

Lynn jumped up and rushed for the door. "I do care about her, but she's not my sister remember?"


Normani, Dinah, Lauren, and I all stood outside of the large glass window and watched the two "sisters" interact- one hospitalized and the other broken.

"So a forest green vehicle?" Lauren questioned.

Normani and I both said yes at the same time.

"Caucasian male." I added.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see my daughter. She was shot at a gas station tonight. Do you know where I can find her?"

We all turned around when we heard the deep male voice behind us. There was a chubby man with short blonde hair and a prickly face.

"Who are you sir?" Dinah asked him.

"Zachary O'Brien. This week has been the worst- first the disappearance of my oldest daughter Lillian and now the shooting of my youngest, Valerie. I have no idea where my grand-daughters are either."

As soon as he mentioned his grand-daughters, we all moved over to block the window.

"Do you know who would do this to your daughter, Mr. O'Brien?" I asked him.

I watched the way he moved and noticed after a while that he was indeed blind. We all calmed down a bit.

"Yes that crazy ex-boyfriend of hers. He was the one who took my sight. He was so upset when Valerie wouldn't let him see his daughter. That damn alcoholic used to beat on her every night. I kept telling her to leave him, but she stayed in order to protect little Lynn. Gave her to Lillian and she promised to raise her and Avia as sisters so she would never ask. Valerie and Lillian had just recently been arguing because Val was ready to give in to him and let him see Lynn."

Dinah asked the question I think we all were thinking, "What is his name?"

"Fabian Lee."


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