Chapter 15

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I zipped up my suitcase and let Rick bring it to the cab. I walked over to the bar in the kitchen area.

The tour was officially over. It was fun while it lasted but I was just excited to see Emma.

"Abby we are leaving in ten minutes." Zayn said walking in.

"Even though this isn't my tour, I wish it wasn't over." I said as he walked closer to me.

"That's weird. Maybe your a musician and you don't know it." Zayn said sitting on the bar chair.

"Ha. I suck at singing." I said laughing.

"What are you good at?" Zayn said fiddling with some stuff on the table.

"I have no idea." I said chuckling a bit. "Probably nothing."

"Everyone's good at something. You just have to find it."

He stood up and left.

I gathered my things and headed out.

"Dad! You should have told me!" I said arguing with my dad."

"It's the best thing for you." My dad said not yelling.

"No, it's not healthy for a teenager to be FORCED to go on tour with 5 losers and now have to be FORCED to move to a new state in a small town!" I said.

He rolled his eyes and walked into the house.

As you probably suspect, we had to move. Meaning new school and I can't see Emma every again. So we moved where my dad grew up. In Kansas, it's so plain. All fields.

We had a farm house, my dad hired people to furnish everything. He also hired people to take care of the farm.

I followed my dad into the house.

It was WAY smaller then out last house, but you would expect that if you saw the yard.

"To make you look more normal, I want you to get a job." my dad said while going threw mail

"Doing what?"

"I don't care, Abigail. Just get a job."


Hii. Any new characters u should add or add more of. I have a good plans for Niall.

Comment if you want to be in my story.

Bye my unicorns.

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