Chapter 21

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"Abigail!" My grandma yelled and embraced me in a hug.

"Abby." I mumbled.

"What on earth happened to your hair?" She yelled running her hands threw my hair.

"I dyed it."

"And Paul let you do that." My grandma shaking her head.

As you can probably tell I don't really have a great relationship with my grandma.

"Abby." Ashley said hugging me and sobbing.

I hugged back not crying just shocked.

"Woah, she looks just like you." Louis said as he walked in .

"I'm her twin." Ashley said as she wiped her tear.

I nodded and looked at my dad.

"How is he?" Ashley asked patting my back.

"Not good, Ash." I said using her childhood nickname.

"Let's go for a walk." Ashley said grabbing my hand.

I nodded and looked at Zayn.

"Watch my dad."

We walked down to the cafeteria.

"Can I get two cups of black coffee?" Ashley said.

"Sure." The lady said. She was quite old.

After a couple awkward minutes we got our coffee and sat at a table.

"So, which one are you dating?" Ashley said as we sat down.

I laughed a bit. "Nothing exclusive."

"Oooo. So like you like someone and they like you back. That's so cute!" She squealed.

"Shh. They are like crazy famous. If some hears I'm dead." I said giving her the 'Shh' sign.

"Sorry sorry." Ashley said with a giggle. "Are they all single?"

"Hm. Liam, Zayn, and Louis are taken." I said having to think a bit.

"Dammit. Zayn is so cute!" She replied a bit depressed.

"He's engaged." I said laughing.

We both laughed for a while.

"I missed this." Ashley said taking a sip of her coffee.

"I know, me too." I said coping her movement.

"You could move in with me and grandma. Even if dad is okay. I mean he can't really take care of a kid, judging on your hair." Ashley said.

"I gotta go." I said getting up and throwing away my coffee.

I walked down the hallway to my dads room.

I couldn't believe my sister. My dad is a great dad.

In fact he is the best dad ever.

I entered the room and all I could see is sad faces.

"What?" I questioned.

"Abigail-" The doctor started.

"Abby." I corrected.

"Abby, you're dad is suffering. The only thing keeping him alive is the ventilator ." The doctor said looking a bit down.

"But he will be okay right?" I asked.

Everyone looked down.

"Right?" I yelled. A tear escaped my eyes.

"I'm sorry Abby." The doctor started, "We are going to pull the plug in a few days."

"No! He's my only parent. You can't do that." I said now sobbing.

"I'm very sorry, Ms.Higgins." The doctor said putting his hand on my back.

"If you were 'Sorry' you wouldnt pull the plug." I said and ran out of the room.

I was stopped my a teenage girl.

"Are you Abby Higgins?" The girl screamed.

I nodded.

"Could I get a picture?" She asked with a huge smile.

I wiped my tears and nodded.

I faked a smile for the picture and she ran off.

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