Chapter 20

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I stared out the window. We were on our way to the stupid hospital. I never liked hospitals. In fact I hated them.

The car ride was silent but I could tell Harry just wanted to tell me something. I wanted to cry. I wanted to lay in my bed pull the covers over my head and cry.

But I couldn't because I couldn't show him I was weak like that.

We were about ten minutes away from the hospital, but by the speed Harry is going probably five.

I glanced over at him.

"You could slow down." I said while looking at the window.

He shifted and said, "Im sorry. I just need to see Paul."

I was partly scared to see my dad. When he wakes up he will kill me. The other half of me wanted to see my dad and was excited, to make sure he's OK.

Harry pulled into the parking lot and parked in the guest section.

I unbuckled and walked into the hospital.

I didn't care if Harry was still at the car I just had to make sure my last parent was alive.

I walked up to the front desk.

"I'm here to see my dad, Paul Higgins." I said impatiently.

"Okay," The lady typed some stuff. She then handed me a card, "Room 204. It's a VIP room on the 4th floor."

I nodded and felt Harry's presence behind me. I walked to the elevator and after Harry got in I pressed the 4th floor button and tapped my foot until it arrived on my floor.

I looked at the room door numbers.

199 200 201 202 203. 204.

I opened the door slowly. That's when 4 familiar boys were standing in there around my dad.

I pushed passed them. Instantly 204 became my least favorite number.

"Dad." I whispered.

I felt a tear escape my eye. I quickly wiped it and pushed through them to the back of the room. I had to call someone I knew.

I had to see someone that knows what I'm going through.

I quickly grabbed my phone and searched through my contacts.

I clicked my sisters name, Ashley.

Ashley, my twin sister.

"Hello?" I familiar peppy girl answered.

"Ashley." I said about to burst into tears.


"It's dad." I said and continued with "He's got into a crash and is incritical condition."

"Abby. I've waited so long to hear your voice. Grandma is on her way to the hospital. I got a ride from her."

"You knew?" I asked.

"Grandma told me. I wasn't gonna go but you need me."

I hung up.

Ashley lived with my grandma when my mother died. So that's ever since I was 5.

Niall walked up to me and jut hugged me.

"I missed you." He whispered as he tightened the hug.

"I really needed a Niall hug." I whispered back trying as hard I as I could to hold back the tears.

"I know." Is all he could say before the the hospital door flew open and in came Simon.

"Is he okay? What happened?" Simon practically yelled.

Louis and Zayn explained everything.

"He was in a crash." Zayn said shaking his head.

"Is he going to live?" Simon asked.

All the boys looked at me and gathered around Simon.

That gave me the realization. My dad, my only parent, isn't going to be okay.

"Um guys." I said

They all looked at me.

"Can I have a moment alone with my dad?" I asked them. The all nodded and left.

I walked up to my father. He laid there with a mask that is the only thing keeping him alive.

I let out my tears. I sobbed into my hands.

"Dad, Im sorry. Im sorry for getting suspended and I'm sorry I was the reason my sister left. I am sorry for being the worst daughter in the world. I am sorry for never telling you I love you or calling you daddy. I am sorry for getting in trouble and making you go out of your way to fix it. Im sorry for not letting you ever get over mom. I'm sorry for not thanking you for all those thing. Daddy please don't leave me. Don't leave me. I love you." I said and sat there with my head on my dads chest crying.

I didn't want my dad to leave me.

I felt arms tighten around me.

I turned around and hugged Harry.

"He can't leave me." I sobbed into his chest.

"Shhh. I know."

I stepped away from him in shock. Harry gave me a confused look and stepped towards me.

"No, you don't know. I have lost someone before he's all I have Harry!" I screamed at him.

"That's not true. You have me." A voice behind me spoke. I twirled around and saw her.

Natural brown hair, blue eyes, light make up, and in a sun dress.

Just like the old me.

"A-Ashley." I stuttered.

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