Chapter Three

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"Were leaving in a week." My dad said as we sat at the kitchen table eating pizza that we ordered.

"I only have a week to make a mark." I said. "I need to start planning."

"Ha Ha very funny." He said rolling his eyes. I bite into my cheese pizza. I left the crust and threw it away.  I placed my plate in the sink.

I jogged up the stairs and clicked the tv on turning it on One Tree Hill. I was only in season 5. I dragged my suit case out of my closet and opened it. I started throwing random pieces of clothing in it. I zipped it up. I'll pack the rest later.

I paused the tv and went into the bathroom. I washed my face and put my hair in a messy bun. I put shorts and an over sized t-shirt on. I quickly brushed my teeth and then took out my contacts. I slipped on my very annoying nerdy glasses.

I layed out all of my weekend homework. I started with math hesitating with my answers. My phone rang and I looked down at it.

From: Emma

Hey babe! Figure out when your leaving?

I smiled and laid downy pencil.


Hey. Yepp. One week.. :( I really don't wanna leave.

From: Emma

Yeah. Well I'm doing my homework then going to bed. So good night!!

I locked my phone and plugged it into the charger and laid it on the bed side table.

I finished my homework and turned up the tv. I laid down and shut of my lamp. I watched tv until I fell to sleep.

A/N: Short.... Oh welllll

Okay so..

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