14. Jaedo : charm

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little: do Young
Caregiver(s) : Jae Hyun
Ship: Jae do
Group: nct

Jae Hyun made his way through the crowd, hugging his bag close to him. Making sure the contents inside do not fall out. The cold winter air biting at his bare hands and face. Whispering to himself about how crowded it was despite Covid-19 still hanging around the air. Feeling sick to his stomach at how people seemed to think Covid is no longer a threat and made their merry way around the country without masks.

Jae Hyun halted at the zebra crossing and waited for the light to turn green to be able to cross the road. The traffic was tight as people drove to stores to buy Christmas presents for their loved ones last minute. Jae Hyun who had picked up his present for his boyfriend just a few minutes ago, stood waiting when suddenly an elderly woman stood next to him.

Jae Hyun ignored her presence until the light turned green and he politely asked, "ma'am do you want me to help you cross the road?" To which the woman smiled at him and nodded her head slowly. Jae Hyun held her hands and led her across the road gently. Once across the road Jae Hyun smiled at the lady and went off to his boyfriend's house to give him the gift he prepared.

Walking with slightly rushed steps Jae Hyun went up the stairs, hugging himself as it was still pretty cold. Once he made it to the door he typed in the password and walked in. Shuffling his shoes off he noticed that the living room lights had not been turned off.

Smiling a little Jae Hyun walked in placing his coat on the rack. "Doie? Are you awake?" He asked quietly, just in case the boy was asleep.

Not getting a reply he made his way to the couch only to see the heartwarming sight of Do Young curled up in warm blankets and pillows all around him, while the TV played a Disney movie.

He chuckled softly before pecking his boyfriend's forehead and moving towards the kitchen. He places the gift on the kitchen island before grabbing the needed ingredients to make a good old beef lasagne. It had been Jae Hyun's specialty and all his friends loved it. It was also the main reason he and Do Young got together.

Jae Hyun had been working at his restaurant, busy making a lot of lasagnas because it had been the most ordered and most famous on the menu when a worker and come told him that a very important person had requested his presence. Jae Hyun was curious as to who it was but he told his worker to tell them to wait, as he had a lot of orders to make.

The worker nodded and went back. Jae Hyun then went back to his very busy job. After all the orders had been completed, Jae Hyun washed his hands before making his way out of the kitchen. There he saw the worker and asked him what table requested for him.

"Table 2, sir."

Nodding his head Jae Hyun went over to see a beautiful man. He had big round eyes and the smoothest skin. It made Jae Hyun's heart flutter seeing such a handsome man request for him.

Snapping out of his daze Jae Hyun looked at the man and said, "Is there anything wrong with the dish sir?" The man smiled and said, "no, there was nothing wrong with it." Jae Hyun mesmerized by the other's smile nodded, then tilted his head to the side, confused.

"Then what happens to be the problem, sir?" Jae Hyun asked, still in slight of a daze. The man chuckled before saying, "just call me Do Young it makes me look old when you call me sir, but back to the matter at hand." The man whose name was Do Young said, and then after a slight pause he continued, "the dish was amazing, I just wanted to see the wonderful chef who made it, and I must say I'm not disappointed to see such a beautiful man in front of me right now."

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