2. Stress : chanlix

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Little : Felix
Daddy : Chan
Ship : chanlix
Group : stray kids
Chan let out a defeated sigh while his friends Changbin and jisung look at him

They had been trying to make a song for their group called 3racha. But nothing seems to be working for Chan

" maybe you should go home to your inspiration Chan hyung " says jisung

Chan mumbled something which the other two didn't quite get so they just watched him pick up his stuff and go out the door

Changbin chuckles and says " he can't say no to Felix can he? " jisung nods and says " yup he sure can't, I mean who can? Dude that guys a literal god! With his freckles and tiny hands and soft personality! "

" true man true Felix is a god! The son of the one and only Apollo! " says the one with the sharp chin and dark aura while jisung just laughs at what his friend said

" well I am going home too man, meanhoe is waiting! " jisung says while calling his boyfriend Minho the nickname his friends made up for the savage and kinky boy

And then he walks out leaving Changbin alone to think ' why did hyunjin have to go to Thailand on a vacation with his parents? I feel like I am single! '

And after awhile Changbin leaves too

~ at Chan's house ~

Chan opened the door to his house to see Felix on the floor sleeping with his stuffie and Paci in his mouth with a big fluffy blankey wrapped around him

Chan frowns and goes to pick up his boyfriend

After carrying his boyfriend he slowly makes his way up stairs and tried opening felix's room door

After six or seven attempts Chan opens the door and quietly puts Felix on his bed that was designed especially for Felix

He then went downstairs to go to the kitchen

When he went in he started to look for ingredients to make a sandwich for Felix and him since Chan was tired

He was cleaning the area he made the sandwich in when he felt two small arms wrap around his abdomen

He turned around to see a pouting Felix
" wen dwid you comes hwome dwaddy "
He says with a pout

Chan picked Felix up and said " well baby I came home just a few minutes ago! And why were you sleeping on the floor baby? " 

" sowwy dwaddy lixxie wanted to wait fow dwaddy and lixxie fwell asweep! " says the now wide awake little

Chan chuckles " it's okay baby! Do you want to eat a ham and cheese sandwich? "
Felix nodded and got off of Chan to go eat his sandwich

Chan also proceeded to go over to the table

Chan stares at Felix while he was eating. Looking at Felix Chan's stress went away and he found the light that got buried by his hectic schedule. One thing his friends knew was that Chan was whipped for Felix

And they teased him each time they get the chance, honestly talk about crackhead culture

The group of nine had always been a noisy and likable group plus they were popular during school though not all of them were in school

They were also popular in college and have been together ever since diapers and that was a long time ago

Their parents were also friends so that made it even more easier for them to become close

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